6 Great Habits That Bring Couples Closer Together

6 Great Habits That Bring Couples Closer Together

Love isn't just about holding hands and laughing together. A happy couple is much more than you can think. The happiness people enjoy is a result of their labor, since every relationship needs it. Here are 6 great habits that bring couples together. Don't forget about them and you and your dear one will be really happy!
How to Deal With a Friend Who Doesn't Keep Promises

How to Deal With a Friend Who Doesn't Keep Promises

Friendship is necessary for everyone. Our friends give us desired communication, help when we in need and just are fun to spend time with. However, there are some friends who have some annoying traits, like they never keep their word. How can you deal with a friend who doesn't keep promises?
How to Get Over Adult Sibling Rivalry

How to Get Over Adult Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry is a normal aspect of childhood, especially when the age gap between siblings is between two and four years apart. Most siblings outgrow the rivalry stage, but sometimes siblings remain competitive even when they grow up. How to get over adult sibling rivalry?

What's the Best Age Difference for Marriage?

What's the Best Age Difference for Marriage?

When two people in love want to tie the knot, they would like to predict how successful their marriage will be. One of the predictions says that it's possible to know by the age difference. Indeed, it works for relationships, then why won't it work for prediction of divorce? So what is the best age difference for marriage?
How to Avoid Turning Into a Bridezilla

How to Avoid Turning Into a Bridezilla

Wedding planning can be extremely stressful, especially when there are unpredictable complications and you feel like you are losing control over things. Brides-to-be who become too obsessed with their wedding plans and make everyone's life a living hell are called bridezillas. How to avoid turning into one while planning your big day?
7 Topics to Avoid on a First Date

7 Topics to Avoid on a First Date

Not all first dates turn out disastrous, but it is quite common for people to mess up on their first date. For example, if you choose a wrong conversation topic, things will most certainly go downhill. Here is a list of topics you need to avoid on a first date.

5 Signs of a One-Sided Friendship

5 Signs of a One-Sided Friendship

Sometimes breaking a friendship is even harder than breaking a romantic relationship. It may even sound strange, but this step is required to keep your inner world safe. One-sided friendship doesn't give you anything good, moreover, you look ridiculous in the eyes of other people, who understand what’s going on. So if you're not sure about the situation, here are five signs of one-sided friendship for you.
How to Choose Your Wedding Color

How to Choose Your Wedding Color

It only seems that picking wedding palette is very easy. In fact, it's very stressful, because you might want to implement many ideas or inspired by something you've seen and just can't fit it into your own wedding. If you don't know where to start, then read our tips on how to choose your wedding color.
Can an On-Again Off-Again Relationship Ever Work Out?

Can an On-Again Off-Again Relationship Ever Work Out?

On-again and off-again relations are exhausting for two sides and even their friends and relatives. Everyone is willing to know when it will finish and how. Unfortunately, no one can tell for sure what will happen, because all relations are unpredictable. But can on-again and off-again relationship ever work out?

How to Respond to Terrible Pick-Up Lines

How to Respond to Terrible Pick-Up Lines

Most girls have experience of being hit on by guys who use really bad pick-up lines. One hell of an awkward situation! How to deal with it? Here are some ideas on how to respond to terrible pick-up lines.
6 Things to Remember If You Are Friends With an Extrovert

6 Things to Remember If You Are Friends With an Extrovert

Some introverts think that extroverts are loud and obnoxious. They like to take the spotlight and can't spend a minute alone. It's true to some extent, but not all extroverts are the same. They can be shy, they might need some alone time. However, there are some things most extroverts have in common. What should you know if you are friends with an extrovert?
5 Things to Know About Dating a Jock

5 Things to Know About Dating a Jock

According to Urban Dictionary, jocks are “thick-but-amiable types that always do well socially” (that's the mildest definition). Most jocks are not the sharpest tool in the shed, but they do well in sports, are popular, and get all the girls. What should you know about dating a jock?

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

Being relatives doesn't mean that you automatically get well along with all your uncles, aunts, grannies, granddads, sisters, brothers and even father and mother. Some of them may be very annoying, that's why every your or their visit becomes a nightmare. We will help you learn how to deal with annoying relatives to keep your mind calm and stressless.
Best Ways to Say “I Love You” For the First Time

Best Ways to Say “I Love You” For the First Time

It's so natural let your beloved person know about your feelings. But it's so hard to say “I love you” for the first time. It takes away your breath and you want to say it... We're sure you both want to remember this second for the rest of your life, and here are best ways to say “I love you” for the first time.
How Can You Make Your Husband Help You Around the House

How Can You Make Your Husband Help You Around the House

House chores become for women working full-time the “second shift”. They come home and start cooking, washing, cleaning, playing with pets, caring for garden, while men just relax. Use these tips to make your lazy husband help you around the house.

How to Recover From a Disastrous First Date

How to Recover From a Disastrous First Date

Most people have had their fair share of bad first dates. There are a lot of things that can go wrong on a first date, and you can't prevent them all from happening. How to recover from a disastrous first date and move on – or find the strength to take advantage of a second chance?
How to Become Friends With Your New Neighbors

How to Become Friends With Your New Neighbors

Becoming friends with neighbors sounds so natural, because these people surround you and will help you when you're in need. However, when we move to another location, becoming friends with neighbors is the last thing we think about. Don't miss the chance and use our tips on how to become friends with your new neighbors.
Is Playing Hard to Get a Good Idea?

Is Playing Hard to Get a Good Idea?

Some women (and sometimes even men) like playing hard to get to make someone they are interested in actively pursue them. This tactics is a cat-and-mouse chase in which both parties think they are the cat. But does playing hard to get really work? How can you be sure that your target will chase you instead of moving on?

How to Cope With Emotions After Divorce

How to Cope With Emotions After Divorce

The end of marriage, no matter how terrible it was, is never an easy thing. Now you are alone and you have mixed emotions about your ex-spouse. Today you feel hatred and relief that this nightmare has finally ended and tomorrow you will miss the daily family routine. Your emotions constantly change and everyone, who goes through alike situations, feel the same. Here are several tips on how to cope with emotions after divorce.
7 Things to Remember If You Are Friends With an Introvert

7 Things to Remember If You Are Friends With an Introvert

Some extroverts think that introverts are boring and anti-social. That's not true at all. Introverts aren't necessarily quite and shy, they do not hate people, they are perfectly capable of having fun. What is true is that sometimes they need to be left alone to recharge their batteries. Here are some things for you to remember if you are friends with an introvert.
10 Things You Can Do to Make Your Marriage Happier

10 Things You Can Do to Make Your Marriage Happier

Before wedding everyone envisions their marriage to be happy. And after several months they start seeing certain problems, that make their life, well, not so happy. It may go on and on till you feel miserable and long for a divorce. If you want to change this situation, here are 10 things you can do to make your marriage happier.

6 Ways to Be More Likeable

6 Ways to Be More Likeable

Likeable people make new friends with ease because they are... well, likeable. Likeability is not an innate character trait, it can be developed. There are certain qualities that people find likeable. They are quite easy to incorporate into your behavior. Here are six ways to be more likeable.
How to Choose Your Bridesmaids

How to Choose Your Bridesmaids

Choosing attendants of your wedding can be a nightmare, especially,when you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings and respond to someone's invitations. Relax and breathe deeply, we will help you figure out how to choose your bridesmaids.
Is Sarcasm a Turn-Off?

Is Sarcasm a Turn-Off?

Sarcastic people can seem quite cynical, but in most cases sarcasm is just a defense mechanism they use because they are afraid of being hurt. Some people just can't help being sarcastic, it becomes a habit and comes naturally. Can sarcasm be a turn-off when it comes to dating?