How to Stay Connected When Your Spouse Travels a Lot

How to Stay Connected When Your Spouse Travels a Lot

Long-distance relationships work, but not always. When the couple knows what they are struggling for, it will, because in the end you will be together. However, being married to a person who constantly travels for work is totally different thing. It’s even worse than long-distance relationship, because it will never end. These tips will help married couples stay connected when one of the partners travels a lot.
5 Reasons You Should Live Together before Marriage

5 Reasons You Should Live Together before Marriage

Living together before marriage used to be frowned upon (and still is in some countries), but nowadays an increasing number of couples are choosing to move in together before tying the knot. There are a lot of perks of moving in together before you get married. Here are 5 reasons you should live together before marriage.
10 Marriage Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

10 Marriage Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Tons of marriage problems we face stem out from our wrong ideas of what the real marriage is. We believe in different myths, like marriage solves all problems or it makes you stressed out. It’s time to bust the most common marriage myths.

4 Signs of a Controlling Spouse

4 Signs of a Controlling Spouse

The problem of being in a controlling relationship is that sometimes disturbing signs are too subtle at first, and when you finally realize that something is wrong, you're already knee deep in a toxic relationship. Here are 4 signs of a controlling and manipulative spouse you should be aware of.
7 Secrets to a Long-Lasting Marriage

7 Secrets to a Long-Lasting Marriage

You see an eighty-year-old couple canoodling, what are you feelings? Is it ridiculous to see old people exposing their love or are you jealous, because they were able to stay in love after so many years in marriage, while your relationship can hardly be called successful? If it's the latter, then you need to know simple secrets to a long-lasting marriage.
6 Ways You May Be Sabotaging Your Marriage

6 Ways You May Be Sabotaging Your Marriage

Keeping your marriage healthy isn’t always easy, even if you try your best to be a perfect spouse. There are seemingly insignificant things people can do that undermine their relationships. Here are 6 ways you may be sabotaging your marriage without even knowing it.

How to Make Your Marriage an Equal Partnership?

How to Make Your Marriage an Equal Partnership?

Different people have different views on marriage, and that's completely normal. What really matters is that you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to family life. Many couples prefer an equal partnership, but being equal partners isn't so easy as it seems. How to make your marriage an equal partnership?
7 Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Spouse

7 Signs of an Emotionally Abusive Spouse

Sadly, emotional abuse is not rare, it can happen to anyone. While physical abuse in a relationship is fairly obvious, emotional abuse is harder to detect. In some cases, the victim doesn't even realize that they are being abused by their partner. Here are 7 signs of an emotionally abusive spouse you should be aware of.
10 Things to Include on Your Marriage Bucket List

10 Things to Include on Your Marriage Bucket List

Everyone tries to set and reach goals, because we want to leave a trait before we die. But we forget one simple thing, that our relationship also needs a bucket list. Even if you and your spouse already have your personal bucket lists, it doesn't say that you can't enjoy your common list. So grab a pen and write down these 10 things, that you can include on your marriage bucket list.

How to Keep Peace in Marriage

How to Keep Peace in Marriage

Fights are common for everyone. We fight with our friends, colleagues, neighbors and people in the line. We also fight with our spouses, and it hurts our relationship so much. Fights are really inevitable, but there's always a way to keep peace in your marriage.
What Do Your Divorce Fantasies Really Mean?

What Do Your Divorce Fantasies Really Mean?

There are thousands of things that people fantasize all the time. For instance, what it would be like to be a bird or a cat, how your desk top really looks like and even how would it be to be divorced. The fantasies about divorce are not so rare among the married couples. But is your marriage in danger, if you daydream about divorce? We will help you find out, what your divorce fantasies really mean and whether you marriage is OK.
How to Survive a One-Year Itch

How to Survive a One-Year Itch

Many married couples are afraid of the so called and so much discussed seven-year itch. But did you know, that many couples can't even make through year two, because their first year of marriage was no honeymoon at all? If you fight with your partner a lot, find out how you can survive a one-year itch.

4 Types of Behavior That Predict Divorce

4 Types of Behavior That Predict Divorce

You might not trust prophets and their prophecies, but psychologists can really predict what might happen to your marriage, let's say, in a year. Will you divorce or will go hand in hand for the rest of your life? That is the question that we can answer right now, and 4 types of behavior that predict divorce will help us.
5 Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him

5 Ways to Show Your Husband You Love Him

Three simple words “I love you” mean a lot, when you're at high school, but not when you're married. We may repeat “I love yous” so many times that we get used to them and never notice them any more. But actions speak louder than words, that's why you can show your husband how much you love him.
How to Go Through a Messy Divorce

How to Go Through a Messy Divorce

A divorce hurts even if you and your spouse part on good terms, hold no grudges and don’t have any property, financial or any other kind of claims. And a messy divorce hurts even more because you have to fight with the person you once loved over things such as money or custody. How to get through a messy divorce without losing your sanity?

8 Most Common Reasons Why Newlyweds Fight

8 Most Common Reasons Why Newlyweds Fight

Fighting is natural, and absence of fight is as bad as constant fights with your your second half. And before you get married, find out about the most common reasons why newlyweds fight. We're not telling, that you will have the same fights, as we mention them, but at least you will know what to expect and will be able to handle the fights the right way.
Dating Rules That Never Disappear in Marriage

Dating Rules That Never Disappear in Marriage

You used to have frequent spontaneous dates and do crazy things, while you were dating your spouse-to-be. But now, when you're married, your life seems to be totally different, and the love you had seems to be not so strong like before. The key to successful marriage is dating your spouse, even if you've lived together for 50 years! Remember these dating rules, that never disappear in marriage.
5 Decisions Your Spouse Should Never Make for You

5 Decisions Your Spouse Should Never Make for You

Being married means making serious decisions together and sharing responsibility for decisions you make as a couple. However, there are some decisions that affect you more than your partner and you should decide on such things on your own. Here are 5 decisions your spouse should never make for you.

How to Keep Your Marriage Healthy With a Traveling Spouse

How to Keep Your Marriage Healthy With a Traveling Spouse

Occupations that require travel have quite a lot of benefits, but every medal has its reverse. When one of the spouses has to travel frequently for work, it inevitably takes its toll on the marriage. In such a case, both partners have to pay extra effort to make their relationship work. How to keep your marriage healthy with a traveling spouse?
7 Signs That You're an Old Married Couple

7 Signs That You're an Old Married Couple

You don't have to be old to act like an old married couple. Hey, you don't even have to be officially married. A lot of couples start acting like they've been married for decades after a few years in a committed relationship. Here are 7 signs that you're an old married couple.
How Perfectionism Kills Your Marriage

How Perfectionism Kills Your Marriage

If you're a perfectionist, then you're aware of high standards that you put on both you and your spouse. And while you think that every trifle and shortcoming is very important, your spouse has got totally different opinion. It's time for you to find out, how perfectionism kills your marriage.

8 Things to Do When Your Spouse Is out of Town

8 Things to Do When Your Spouse Is out of Town

Your spouse has to go out of town for a couple of days or even months, and at this time you will be totally on your own. Yes, you will miss your spouse so much, but you will have plenty of free time, that you can turn into Me-time! Here are 8 things to do when your spouse is out of town.
8 Ways to Divorce Proof Your Marriage

8 Ways to Divorce Proof Your Marriage

Being married doesn't mean that you will live all your life in love with your spouse. The numbers say, that about half of marriages fail, so it seems that you're 50 percent likely to divorce. But you can change the situation, if you use these 8 ways to divorce proof your marriage.
5 Tips for Overcoming Your Fear of Infidelity

5 Tips for Overcoming Your Fear of Infidelity

Infidelity is one of the most common reasons for divorce. A lot of people feel fear of being cheated on because of various reasons. Maybe they watched their parents deal with a divorce that resulted from infidelity or have negative experiences from their past. However, you shouldn't let your fear of infidelity ruin your life and your relationship. How to overcome this fear and stop doubting your spouse?