8 Rules to Remember When Lending Money to a Friend

8 Rules to Remember When Lending Money to a Friend

Money can destroy any relationships, no matter how strong they are. When your friend asks to lend them some money and ensures you to pay it back ASAP, you certainly want to help. But are you sure that it’s not the end of your friendship? Remember these 8 rules when lending money to a friend.
5 Ways Gossip Hurts Your Friendships

5 Ways Gossip Hurts Your Friendships

Becoming friends often happens naturally, but many people speed up the process by bonding over a shared activity or interest. Although some think that bonding over gossip is a great way to grow closer together, in reality gossiping is a poor basis for a friendship. Here are 5 ways gossip hurts your relationship with your friends.
5 Perks of Being Friendly With Your Neighbors

5 Perks of Being Friendly With Your Neighbors

So, you've just moved into a new apartment or house and are considering whether you should get to know your neighbors or not. Well, you don't have to become BFFs with everyone in the neighborhood, but being friendly certainly won't hurt. Here are 5 perks of being friendly with your neighbors.

3 Nasty Situations When It's OK to Break a Promise Given to Your Friend

3 Nasty Situations When It's OK to Break a Promise Given to Your Friend

We're all taught, that giving and keeping promises is a very good principle to abide by. You seem to be a reliable person and your friends love you for that. You promise and you never break your word, because it's just not right. But there are some situations, when it's impossible to keep your promise and you have to break it. Let's see, when it's OK to break your promise given to a friend and never feel ashamed of it.
7 Things to Do With Your Best Friend Before Going off to College

7 Things to Do With Your Best Friend Before Going off to College

College is a new, exciting stage of your life. But leaving for college has at least one downside: unless you are very lucky, you have to go there without your BFF. Of course you would like to make the most of the time left to spend together. Here are 7 things to do with you best friend before you head to college.
Is It Okay Not to Have a Best Friend?

Is It Okay Not to Have a Best Friend?

Having a BFF is great. A best friend is a person who always has your back, laughs and cries with you and always knows how to make your feel better. However, not everyone has a best friend. Does not having a BFF make you weird? Is it okay not to have a best friend?

6 Fun Things to Do With Friends This Summer

6 Fun Things to Do With Friends This Summer

Summer is the best time when you can spend as much time with your friends as you want to. But even now don't forget, that you just can't aimlessly hang around you friend's house and think, that you're doing right. After such sessions you and your friend will be disappointed, because getting bored together is the worst thing that can happen. You need to spend quality time, and this list of 6 fun things to do with friends this summer will help you.
6 Signs of a Healthy Friendship

6 Signs of a Healthy Friendship

The term “unhealthy relationship” does not necessarily refer to romantic relationships. Relationships with friends or family can be unhealthy as well, and sometimes we don't even notice that we're stuck in a toxic relationship. Are your sure that all your friendships are good for you? Here are 6 signs of a healthy friendship.
6 Ways to Spend Quality Time With Friends

6 Ways to Spend Quality Time With Friends

Free time is the most precious thing that we have. We're constantly busy after work, that's why we can't spend as much time with friends, as we'd like to. Occasional meetings at a coffee shop or chatting on the phone aren't enough to keep friendship alive, that's why you need to think about spending quality time with friends.

How to Find New Friends After Divorce

How to Find New Friends After Divorce

Major changes, like divorce, never affect only one sphere of life. In fact, when changes come everything starts moving the other way. You lose not only your partner, but also your social circle, and when you finally recover and crawl out of your divorce stone, you are alone and have nobody to talk to. It's time to socialize again, and we will tell you how to find new friends after divorce.
8 Things You Should Never Say to a Pregnant Friend

8 Things You Should Never Say to a Pregnant Friend

It's hard to believe, how fast women forget about the inconveniences and pains of pregnancy. Everyone believes, that it's the most magical period of life, and keep saying different awkward things to pregnant women. Whether you're a man or a woman, remember these 8 things you should never say to a pregnant friend.
5 Ways to Make Friends in Your 30s

5 Ways to Make Friends in Your 30s

Making new friends as an adult is generally harder than when you’re in your early 20s. But this doesn’t mean that you won’t make any new friends after you graduate from college. Research shows that people tend to replace half their close friends every 7 years. But how does it happen? Here are 5 ways to make friends in your 30s.

Does Your Roommate Have to Be Your Friend?

Does Your Roommate Have to Be Your Friend?

A lot of young people can’t afford an apartment alone, especially in big cities, so it’s becoming more and more common for them to share an apartment with a roommate or roommates. Some people prefer to live with their best friend, but that’s not always the case. Many people prefer having strangers as roommates to living with a friend or a sibling.
7 Reasons to Have a Sarcastic Friend

7 Reasons to Have a Sarcastic Friend

Sarcasm isn't actually the very first thing that is needed to be friends with someone, however many of us have a sarcastic friend. This person may annoy you or make you laugh hilarious, but you just can't imagine your life without them. And if you don't have anyone full of sarcasms around you, we've prepared 7 reasons for you to have a sarcastic friend.
So Your Best Friend Is a Liar

So Your Best Friend Is a Liar

Our world is full of lie and you probably won't find any person, who is totally true with you. Even your best friend can lie to you to protect your interests or just to hide something important in their life, that they don't want to share with you. For now. But what should you do, when you find out that your best friend is a liar?

8 Types of Friends Every Mom Needs

8 Types of Friends Every Mom Needs

Becoming a mom opens a new world for you, that you've had no idea about. It's not about sleepless nights and almost constant feeding and changing diapers. It's about new people, who will become your friends. Or you need as friends, because your gals with no kids won't understand you and your needs. Check out these 8 types of friends every mom needs. And you're really lucky, if you already have them!
How to Handle Making More Money Than Your Friends

How to Handle Making More Money Than Your Friends

Difference of income between friends often becomes an issue in friendships and can even cause a falling out if friends don’t figure out how to handle financial inequality. Interestingly enough, having a higher income than most of your friends can be just as awkward than earning less than they do. How to handle making more money than your friends?
10 Nice Things You Can Do for Your Friend

10 Nice Things You Can Do for Your Friend

Bringing happiness to life of your friends is super easy, and you mostly don't need big sums to spend on that. Doing nice things for your friend will show them, how much you care and appreciate your friendship. And it's also the way to show your support, when your friend is stressed or depressed.

6 Tips for Throwing a Spring Party for Your Friends

6 Tips for Throwing a Spring Party for Your Friends

After a long and cold winter everything you want to is to let the first warm days and rays of bright sun into your life. Throwing a spring party is very easy, but you need special decoration and treats to make it perfect. We've got 6 great tips for throwing a spring party for your friends!
How to Handle Making Less Money Than Your Friends

How to Handle Making Less Money Than Your Friends

Not everyone can be equally fortunate when it comes to wealth. Even if you're just as smart as your friends and work really hard, you may still find yourself in a situation when they make more money than you. True friends will never make you feel bad because of a wage difference, but that doesn't mean you'll never feel awkward about it. How to handle making less money than your friends?
How to Argue With a Friend Without Ruining Your Friendship

How to Argue With a Friend Without Ruining Your Friendship

Human beings have been fighting with enemies for centuries, and now we're really good at it. But one doesn't need an enemy to fight, actually we argue with everyone, who's got different opinion. It can be parents, coworkers and even friends. But how can you argue with a friend the way not to ruin your friendship?

4 Things That Are a Poor Basis for a Friendship

4 Things That Are a Poor Basis for a Friendship

To become friends, two people need to bond over something, for example, common interests, similar views, shared values, etc. However, if you bond over the wrong things, you may end up in a toxic friendship. Here are 4 things that are a poor basis for a friendship.
Can You Have Too Many Friends?

Can You Have Too Many Friends?

Everyone is different when it comes to social needs. Some people have a few close fiends and are quite satisfied, others need many friends to be happy. But how many friends does an average person really need? Can you have too many friends?
5 Ways to Comfort a Crying Friend

5 Ways to Comfort a Crying Friend

Your friend has their own ups and downs, and while their ups make them feel happy, the sadness comes anytime they're upset, hurt or have a broken heart. The tears come out, and watching your crying friend is really hard. But what can you do? Use these 5 ways to comfort a crying friend.