How to Pick a First Dance Song

How to Pick a First Dance Song

The first dance of the husband and wife is one of the most anticipated and emotional moments during the wedding, so choosing a first dance song is one of the most important wedding-planning decisions. It might seem easy, but most couples spend quite a lot of time picking the right song. Here are some tips for picking a first dance song.
7 Tips for Traveling With a Group of Friends

7 Tips for Traveling With a Group of Friends

Traveling with friends it always exciting. You get to explore new places and experience new things together, which makes you closer. However, traveling with friends can also be stressful, and the more people your travel with, the more frustrating it can get. Here are some tips for traveling with a group of friends that will prevent you from going nuts and wanting to kill them.

What Should You Tell Your Boyfriend About Your Past?

What Should You Tell Your Boyfriend About Your Past?

Being in a relationship means being honest with your current boyfriend. It's how you build your love and trust. But what if you have some ugly things in your past that you'd like to hide from your boyfriend? Won't telling the truth make things worse? Well, let's see what you should tell your boyfriend about your past.

How to Get Over Your High School Boyfriend

How to Get Over Your High School Boyfriend

There are examples of high school sweethearts who make a long-distance relationship work during college and live happily ever after. However, most college freshmen break up with their high school boyfriends/girlfriends and start with a clean slate. Breaking up with someone is not easy, even if it was you who did the dumping. Here are some tips for getting over your high school boyfriend and moving on.
4 Reasons Why Being Selfish Is Good for You

4 Reasons Why Being Selfish Is Good for You

The word “selfish” has got a bad rap, and whenever somebody calls you selfish, it doesn't sound like a compliment. You feel ashamed and guilty for paying not enough attention to others. But wait a minute, is selfishness really so bad as others say? We give you 4 reasons why being selfish is good for you.
Can Living Apart Together Be Good for Your Marriage?

Can Living Apart Together Be Good for Your Marriage?

Married couples are expected to share a house/apartment and have a joint bank account. However, some couples decide to break with tradition and have separate accounts or even separate addresses. Married or long-term couples who don't live under the same roof are described by the term “living apart together” (LAT). Can LAT be good for a marriage?

Food Favor Ideas for Your Wedding

Food Favor Ideas for Your Wedding

There are many ways you can express appreciation to your guests, who come to you wedding, but the most common is giving them favors. The favor can be anything, and usually it's something handy and small. But ask yourself, whether your guests will use it after your wedding or throw it away. We recommend you use food favors, as something that your guests will really appreciate. And we have plenty ideas of food favors for wedding to share with you.
Is Your Friend Into You or Is It Just Friendship?

Is Your Friend Into You or Is It Just Friendship?

Some people don't believe in friendship between two sexes and state that they're created for something more. However, friendship between two people of the opposite sex is real and many enjoy it. But at some point you may feel awkward because one thought is bugging you: is your friend really into you or is it just friendship?
How to Overcome Perfectionism

How to Overcome Perfectionism

According to Wiktionary, perfectionism is an unwillingness to settle for anything less than perfection. Unfortunately, nothing is perfect, that's why perfectionism is a destructive trait that prevents people from getting things done and holds them back. Here are some tips for overcoming perfectionism.

How to Live With In-Laws and Still Love Them

How to Live With In-Laws and Still Love Them

Living with the in-laws is always hard. No matter how much you love each other, you're both used to different things. What seems normal to you, might be unusual to your in-laws and vice versa. These little tips will help you understand how can you live with in-laws and still love them.
How to Propose to Your Boyfriend

How to Propose to Your Boyfriend

Traditionally, men are expected to propose to women, and women are expected to wait patiently. However, more and more women decide to break with tradition, reverse the roles and pop the question first. If you want to ask your BF to marry you and are sure that your proposal won't freak him out, go for it! Here are several ways to propose to your boyfriend.
How to Deal With a Control Freak

How to Deal With a Control Freak

Control freak is a psychological term, that is used to describe a person who attempts to dictate how everything around should be done. May be you know such person, and he or she drives you crazy by the will to control everything. We've prepared for you several tips on how to deal with a control freak.

8 Tips for Dating a Coworker

8 Tips for Dating a Coworker

Office romance is not uncommon. According to statistics, over 50 percent of American business professionals have had a romantic relationship with a coworker, whether it is a one-time hook-up or a committed relationship. Sometimes office romance ends in disaster, sometimes it leads to marriage. You can never know till you try. If you've decided to give it a shot, here are some tips for dating a coworker.
How to Break Up With Your Boyfriend

How to Break Up With Your Boyfriend

In the beginning, your relations were so exciting, but gradually they started to fade out. Now you feel that you don't want to date your boyfriend any more and you want to break up. If you really want to put an end to your relations, then we will give you some tips on how to break up with your boyfriend.
How to Mend a Marriage After Infidelity

How to Mend a Marriage After Infidelity

It's always hard to find out that your spouse has had an affair. It's emotionally devastating and now you have to deal with it somehow. Your first desire is to divorce your unfaithful spouse, but wait a second. Your family can be saved, and we're going to tell you how to mend your marriage after infidelity.

How to Handle Awkward Family Questions

How to Handle Awkward Family Questions

If you're going to meet your extended family members on Thanksgiving or Christmas, you will inevitably get interrogated. “How are your classes?” “Are you seeing anybody?” “What are you going to do with your degree?” “When are you going to have kids?” These questions can drive anyone nuts. Here are some tips for handling awkward family questions.
Things to Consider Before Living in an Open Marriage

Things to Consider Before Living in an Open Marriage

An open marriage is a marriage in which the spouses are allowed to have sex with other people, without this being regarded as infidelity. The concept might seem strange for people who think that monogamy is essential in a committed relationship, but it actually works for some couples. However, this type of relationship has the potential to ruin a marriage so there are important things to consider before living in an open marriage.
13 Signs You've Found Your BFF

13 Signs You've Found Your BFF

You can have as many friends as you want, but you can only have one BFF, your best friend forever. Best friends are each other's platonic soulmates, you can hardly imagine your life without your best friend. What are the signs you've found your BFF?

How to Tell Parents They Are Going to Be Grandparents

How to Tell Parents They Are Going to Be Grandparents

Having a baby is always great, and you want to share this information with your parents and in-laws. But this moment should be unique, that's why you need to figure out something cute and funny, something to remember for the whole life. We've prepared very cute ideas how to tell your parents that they are going to be grandparents.
Unity Candle Ceremony Tips

Unity Candle Ceremony Tips

The unity candle ceremony is a very popular choice of many couples, who want to make their wedding romantic. It's perfect for Christian as well as non-Christian weddings, because it suggest no special religious aspects. We would like your wedding to be perfect, that's why we've prepared useful unity candle ceremony tips for you.
8 Date Ideas Without Eating Food

8 Date Ideas Without Eating Food

Going for a date usually means that you will be eating some food. At some point going to cafes or restaurants sounds boring, or you just can't afford it because of your tight budget. But you can spend great time together with your date and don't eat a single doughnut. Here are 8 great date ideas without eating food.

6 Engagement Party Ideas

6 Engagement Party Ideas

An engagement party is a great way to formally announce you engagement and celebrate it with your friends and family. Although a cocktail party at the bride's parents' house is a traditional variant, many couples prefer to celebrate their engagement in a more unconventional way. Here are some engagement party ideas for you to consider.
Pros and Cons of Dorm Dating

Pros and Cons of Dorm Dating

Living in dorms during college opens you to new experiences, dating being one of them. Living in close proximity with people of the opposite (or the same) sex leads to bonding, and the next thing you know, sparks fly. However, dorm dating is called dormcest for a reason. What are the pros and cons of dating your dorm neighbor?
How to Increase Your Creativity

How to Increase Your Creativity

Being creative may sound to someone as being insane. Strict lines of thinking don't let your inner spring of creativity become full of crazy thoughts. We're going to break your usual way of thinking and help you increase your creativity with these little and easy steps.