7 Ways to Feel Better After a Bad Breakup

7 Ways to Feel Better After a Bad Breakup

You've met a right guy who is totally perfect for you, but there's one big problem, that makes you feel so bad. He doesn't want to be with you, and now you think that you will never be able to find love again. You're wrong here, and we're going to tell you about 7 ways to feel better after a bad breakup.
5 Causes of Stress in Marriage

5 Causes of Stress in Marriage

Even if you love your spouse to bits, your marriage won't always be all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes you'll face challenging situations and get stressed out. It is very important to endure these challenges together and not let them ruin your marriage. What are the main causes of stress in marriage?
How to Calm Down When You're Anxious

How to Calm Down When You're Anxious

Different anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses among grownups. Every year many people suffer them and don't know how to deal with them. Moreover, anxiety can't be controlled, and if you try, it gets even worse. However, there are several tips that will help you calm down when you're anxious.

Pros and Cons of a Winter Wedding

Pros and Cons of a Winter Wedding

Winter is not the most popular season for weddings, mostly due to the cold weather in many regions. Nevertheless, quite a lot of couples opt for getting married in winter for a number of reasons. What are the pros and cons of a winter wedding?
What to Do If You Have No Friends

What to Do If You Have No Friends

Every person needs socializing, otherwise the feeling of loneliness will always follow us everywhere. However, at some point you understand, that you have no close friends, only people of acquaintance. These tips will help you find out what to do, if you have no friends.
7 Tips for Meeting Guys at Bars

7 Tips for Meeting Guys at Bars

Bars aren't generally considered the best place for meeting good men because most guys go to bars to get laid. However, single guys that go to bars to meet potential girlfriends do exist, and there's always the chance you could meet one of them. Here are some tips for meeting guys at bars.

How to Keep in Touch With Your Friends After Marriage

How to Keep in Touch With Your Friends After Marriage

A lot of people fail to keep in touch with their friends after getting married. Even though they thought that their friendships wouldn't change after marriage, finally tying the knot made them drift apart from their friends. Is losing your friends an inevitable consequence of marriage? No, it isn't, but you will need to put some effort into maintaining your friendships. Here are some tips for keeping in touch with your friends after marriage.
Ceremony Seating Guidelines

Ceremony Seating Guidelines

Your wedding ceremony should be perfect, because it's the most important moment of your life. and there are many issues that require your attention. For instance, where your immediate family and family of your second half should sit? And where should the other guests sit? Our ceremony seating guidelines will help you answer these and many other important questions.
5 Benefits of Unplugging More Often

5 Benefits of Unplugging More Often

We are living in the digital age and cannot imagine out everyday life without computers, smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets. Technology makes our lives much easier, but every medal has its reverse. Many people have become overly dependent on gadgets. Most psychologists suggest that having some unplugged time every now and then helps cope with this dependence. Here are five benefits of unplugging more often.

How to Make Your Boyfriend to Be More Romantic

How to Make Your Boyfriend to Be More Romantic

You love your boyfriend, and you know that he wants to make you happy. But why does he do romantic things, that really make you feel on cloud nine, so seldom? It's because men are mostly not romantic and they prefer fixing cars and playing football instead of having a romantic dinner together. However, don't be so upset, because you can learn how to make your boyfriend to be more romantic.
How to Spend More Quality Time With Your Family

How to Spend More Quality Time With Your Family

When your life gets busy, it's easy to get your priorities screwed up. You start considering your job more important than your family and keep thinking about work even when you're at home. And that's where family problems begin. If you want your family to be strong and healthy, you need to set your priorities straight and invest time into your relationships. How to spend more quality time with your family?
How to Get Out of Any Annoying Conversation

How to Get Out of Any Annoying Conversation

We've all been there: some people just won't leave you alone and talk, talk, talk... We don't want to be a part of this conversation and would do anything to stay out of it. No need to pretend to be a good listener, because our tips will help you get out of an annoying conversation.

5 Tips for Dealing with a Passive-Aggressive Partner

5 Tips for Dealing with a Passive-Aggressive Partner

The term “passive-aggressive behavior” refers to indirect expression of hostility. When passive-aggressive people get angry, they try to suppress their anger and start acting withdrawn. Although they don't express their anger and hostility openly, people around them can feel it, which leads to frustration and conflict. Living with a passive-aggressive person is not easy. How to deal with a passive-aggressive partner? Here are some tips.
How to Deal With Rejection

How to Deal With Rejection

Rejection is one of the daily things that we do. We reject many things, that aren't interesting for us or we see no opportunities in them. And while rejecting some ideas or things is rather simple, we get outraged when someone rejects us. So how to deal with rejection and never let it drive you crazy?
4 Tips for Planning a Winter Wedding

4 Tips for Planning a Winter Wedding

Winder weddings are less popular than weddings during other seasons due to cold weather in winter. Nevertheless, quite a lot of couples opt for getting married in winter because of the magical feeling of a “winter wonderland” (and because many vendors offer discounts in winter). If you're one of these couples, our tips for planning a winter wedding might come in handy.

How to Choose a Perfect Wedding Date

How to Choose a Perfect Wedding Date

Choosing the wedding date is the first major decision you have to make as a couple. And there are many things to consider, if you want everything to be fine and all your guests (at least majority) to come. We give you useful tips on how to choose a perfect wedding date.
Wedding Dates You'd Better Avoid

Wedding Dates You'd Better Avoid

You plan you wedding and reserve the date for a long weekend, expecting that you will be able to gather all guests. You think, that people who want to come will come no matter what, but it will turn out, that not many guests will be there at all. The problem is that you've picked up wrong wedding date. Let's see, what wedding dates you'd better avoid.
6 Tips for Meeting Guys on the Beach

6 Tips for Meeting Guys on the Beach

On hot summer days, lots of people spend their free time on the beach. It means that beaches are packed with hot guys, many of whom are single. So, theoretically, the beach is a great place to meet guys and flirt with them. In practice, however, many girls find it hard to approach guys while being practically naked. Here are some tips for overcoming your shyness and meeting guys on the beach.

How to Argue by Texting With Your Spouse

How to Argue by Texting With Your Spouse

All mature people understand, that arguments shouldn't be rendered by text messages, since they can ruin relationship. However, many of us at least once argued by texting and still many times are ahead. So how to argue by texting with your spouse without being afraid to cross the boundaries?
Will Going Greek Help You Make Friends in College?

Will Going Greek Help You Make Friends in College?

College is a place where people make lots of new friends, and some of these friendships last a lifetime. College provides a lot of opportunities to meet new people, including (but not limited to) freshman orientation, dorms, classes, various activities, and of course fraternities and sororities. A lot of students join Greek organizations hoping that going Greek will help them make friends in college. Is it really a good way to make friends?
Tips for Real Men: How to Chase a Girl You Like

Tips for Real Men: How to Chase a Girl You Like

You've got a crush on the prettiest girl you've ever seen and now you want to show her your feelings. You choose chasing her as the only one existing way out of the situation. But wait a minute, do you really know what to do and are you sure that you will win her? Use our tips on how to chase a girl you like and get the desirable result.

Tips for Creating a Bucket List

Tips for Creating a Bucket List

A bucket list is a list of things to do (goals to achieve, activities to try, dreams to fulfill, etc.) before you die. This term comes from the euphemistic idiom “to kick the bucket” which means “to die”. Having a bucket list prevents people from being caught up in routine and helps them live life to the fullest. Here are some tips for creating your own bucket list.
How to Improve Relationship With Your Mother

How to Improve Relationship With Your Mother

Some children say that their mother is their best friend, while others talk to each other once a week. Can you tell, that you love your family and know that your mother will take your side if anything happens? If you're reading this, then the probable answer is “No”. You're going to change this situation by learning how to improve relationship with your mother.
How to Handle a Crush While You're in a Relationship

How to Handle a Crush While You're in a Relationship

Being in a relationship doesn't mean that you can't feel anything towards other people. You can't do anything with the fact that sexy waiter makes your heart beat very fast, while you're enjoying your meal with your partner. It's just a little crush, and it would be totally normal to enjoy it, if you were single. But how can you handle this crush while you're in a relationship?