8 Signs That You're a Bad Friend

8 Signs That You're a Bad Friend

You might think, that your friendship is great and there are no reasons to worry about it, because your friends never say anything that you're always late, take and never give or cancel the plans in the last minute. Don't be surprised, if no one comes to you when you need them most of all. Check out these 8 signs of a bad friend, and find out, if you're one.
6 New Year's Resolutions for a Happier Family

6 New Year's Resolutions for a Happier Family

Quite a lot of people start the new year off with a clean slate and make resolutions, hoping that his year they will stick to at least some of them. Why not make it a family activity? Here are six New Year's resolutions for a happier family that you might want to add to your list.
Top 5 Alternatives to the Wedding Dinner

Top 5 Alternatives to the Wedding Dinner

Traditional wedding means that your guests expect a wedding dinner, that is as boring as expensive. Making the guest list ten people shorter can save you lots of money, but there are another ways to feed everyone you've invited and entertain. Our top 5 alternatives to the wedding dinner will help you make your wedding unique, fun and less expensive.

What to Do When You've Fallen out of Love With Your Husband

What to Do When You've Fallen out of Love With Your Husband

Sadly, eternal love is very rare and many couples don't have their happily ever after. Sometimes people fall out of love and have to move on. However, it might be very hard to end a long-term relationship, especially if you are married. What to do when you've fallen out of love with your husband? Should you divorce or is it worth trying to save your marriage?
How to Fight Money Stress

How to Fight Money Stress

Not a single person in the world can resist stress that comes from money. And if you think, that the more you earn, the happier you will be, you're wrong. Rich people are stressed as well as poor ones, and it comes from money. So let's see, what you can do to fight money stress.
4 Ideas for a Mixed-Gender Bachelorette Party

4 Ideas for a Mixed-Gender Bachelorette Party

Mixed gender bachelor/bachelorette parties are becoming increasingly popular these days. Planning such a party can be a bit tricky because whatever entertainment is planned should be interesting for all genders, so some traditional bachelorette party activities are out of the question. Here are four ideas for a mixed-gender bachelorette party.

8 Best Wintertime Activities for the Whole Family

8 Best Wintertime Activities for the Whole Family

Wintertime is great, but it doesn't mean, that all afternoons you will spend inside. And although there are still so many days before spring, you and your family can have fun outdoor, that will make your hearts pumping. Check out our list of eight best wintertime activities for the whole family.
5 Tips for Getting out of the Friend Zone

5 Tips for Getting out of the Friend Zone

Being stuck in the friend zone sucks, especially when you feel that there is potential for a romantic relationship. How to subtly let your friend know that you're attracted to them without ruining you friendship? Here are five tips for getting out of the friend zone.
What Should You Do If Your Boyfriend Makes Plans Without You

What Should You Do If Your Boyfriend Makes Plans Without You

Spending quality time together is one of the essential parts of dating and being in love. But whenever your boyfriend makes plans, where you have no place in, it's upsetting. You feel like you're not important for one of the closest persons in your life. So what should you do, if your boyfriend makes plans without you?

What to Do When Your Friends Don't Like Each Other

What to Do When Your Friends Don't Like Each Other

Most people have more than one close friend. Sometimes our friends belong to different social circles that don't overlap, and when we finally introduce them it turns out that they don't really like each other. Is there a way out of this situation? What to do when your friends don't get along?
What Should You Do If You Hate Your Engagement Ring

What Should You Do If You Hate Your Engagement Ring

You've been waiting for this moment for such a long time and now you're officially engaged. But the moment of happiness is overshadowed by the engagement ring you've received. It's definitely not what you like, although you've made thousands of subtle (and no so subtle) hints! So, what should you do, if you hate your engagement ring?
5 Signs You Should Take a Break From Social Media

5 Signs You Should Take a Break From Social Media

There is no denying that social media has many perks. It helps us keep in touch with people, spread and find information really quickly, share our thoughts and ideas, etc. However, every medal has its reverse. A lot of people spend too much time on social media, which leads to fear of missing out and other psychological problems. Here are five signs you should take a break from social media.

How to Feel Better About Yourself

How to Feel Better About Yourself

There are plenty of things we can't control and they make us feel down. And we also contribute by making ourselves feel even worse. It's time to stop it and become a happier person. These simple tips will help you feel better about yourself.
5 Fun Family Activities for Christmas

5 Fun Family Activities for Christmas

In many countries, Christmas is a family holiday when several generations gather around the table to spend time together and bond. Most family Christmas day celebrations are quite traditional, so it might be a good idea to shake things up and do something different every now and then. Here are five fun family activities for Christmas that do not include playing board games and watching Christmas movies.
Should You Lie to Your Kids About Santa?

Should You Lie to Your Kids About Santa?

Every kid loves the magic of Christmas and eagerly waiting for Santa Claus to come down the chimney and leave a present under the Christmas tree. Parents love how children are happy about this magic and want to play this story for years. However, lying to kids is disgusting, and when the truth will come out, the feeling of being betrayed is inevitable. So should you lie to your kids about Santa?

5 Signs Your Husband Doesn't Love You Anymore

5 Signs Your Husband Doesn't Love You Anymore

Let's face it – only a few lucky couples love each other till death do them part. Sometimes people just fall out of love. Some couples manage to preserve their marriage because love gives way to friendship and affection, but often there is nothing left when love is gone. Here are five signs your husband doesn't love you anymore and your marriage is in danger.
How to Deal With the Always-Late Friend

How to Deal With the Always-Late Friend

Some people are always on time, while others are at least 20 minutes (and sometimes even hours) late! It irritates, because while you wait for your friend, you feel offended, and it's always like this. So how can you deal with the always-late friend?
4 Tips for Planning a Mixed-Gender Bachelorette Party

4 Tips for Planning a Mixed-Gender Bachelorette Party

A bachelorette party us a party held for a woman who is about to get married. Such parties are traditionally attended by the bride-to-be's female friends and are generally seen as an opportunity for female bonding. However, some brides don't want their male friends and family members to feel left out and invite them along. Here are some tips for planning a mixed-gender bachelorette party.

6 Things You Should Never Say to Your Mother-in-Law

6 Things You Should Never Say to Your Mother-in-Law

Keeping good relations between two families is very difficult, because you never know what kind of mistake anyone of you can make. And when kids are crying, the phone is ringing, the turkey is burning in the oven and your mother-in-law is nagging you, one your word can ruin the good relations forever. So you'd better remember these 6 things you should never say to your mother-in-law.
5 Tips for a Successful Movie Date

5 Tips for a Successful Movie Date

A lot of people think that going to the movies is a good date idea for the early stages of dating. When you're watching a movie, you don't have to talk, but you will have something to discuss when the movie is over. Besides, movie dates are casual, and casual equals less stressful and more relaxed. However, not all movie dates turn out successful. Here are some tips for a successful movie date.
How to Wake Up Early in the Morning and Feel Bright

How to Wake Up Early in the Morning and Feel Bright

You must know at least one person in your social circle, who can easily wake up in the morning and smile. However, you're not that type and you wake up in the mood of a dead trout and the morning seems to be the worst thing that could happen to you. These tips will help you start waking up early in the morning and feel bright.

How to Be Honest With Your Friends

How to Be Honest With Your Friends

Friends are supposed to be completely honest with each other. That's why we trust our friends and value them – we know that they will always tell us the truth, however harsh it may be. But being honest at all times is not easy, sometimes we are tempted to lie because we are afraid to hurt our friends' feelings. Here are some tips on how to be honest with your friends.
How to Solve the Most Common Wedding Dress Disaster on the Big Day

How to Solve the Most Common Wedding Dress Disaster on the Big Day

You try to keep the best look of your wedding dress on the big day, but wrinkles, stains and tears seem to appear from nowhere. Don't let it spoil your mood and your best day in your life, and use our tips on how to solve the wedding dress disasters.
How to Handle Unsolicited Parenting Advice From Grandparents

How to Handle Unsolicited Parenting Advice From Grandparents

The grandparents can be a source of help and invaluable support. They are experienced, because they have raised their own kids, and now they want to help you. But their parenting advice is old-dated and it often contradicts the way you want to raise your child. So how can you handle unsolicited parenting advice from grandparents?