How to Fight Stress During Autumn

How to Fight Stress During Autumn

Summer is over and now you have to get back to that crazy rhythm of your life. As the days are getting colder and less sunny and kids go back to school, your stress level slowly climbs up and somewhere in the mid of October you are depressed. We've prepares some useful tips, that will help you fight stress during autumn.
How to Deal With Toxic Siblings

How to Deal With Toxic Siblings

Being siblings doesn't necessarily mean getting along. Sadly, sometimes siblings just share a bloodline and their relationship is not built on mutual love, respect and support. If that's your case, you should check out our tips on how to deal with toxic siblings.
What Your Profile Picture Can Tell About You as a Friend?

What Your Profile Picture Can Tell About You as a Friend?

Your social media account has an extensive info about all your life, and nowadays it's a great platform for making friends with people you don't know. No need to go out, especially if you're shy and don't feel comfortable with strangers. So online friendship has become a way to socialize, but whether you find many friends or not depends only on the pictures you post. Let's see what your profile picture can tell about you as a friend?

6 Signs Your Smartphone Is Ruining Your Marriage

6 Signs Your Smartphone Is Ruining Your Marriage

Modern technology is very helpful, but a lot of people tend to overuse it, letting gadgets take over their lives. We feel helpless without our smartphones and spend so much time scrolling through social media apps or playing games that our nearest and dearest start feeling neglected. Here are six signs your smartphone is ruining your marriage.
10 Ways to Build Good Karma

10 Ways to Build Good Karma

According to Buddhist teaching, the law of karma explains everything that happens to you, whether it's good or bad. All your actions matter, if you want to be happy and have many good things happen to you. So here are 10 ways to build good karma, that you can use everyday.
How to Use Pinterest for Wedding Planning

How to Use Pinterest for Wedding Planning

A lot of modern couples use Pinterest for wedding planning. Pinterest is a photo sharing website that allows users to collect ideas and create inspiring mood boards. Using Pinterest is like pinning pages from magazines to your bulletin board, only digitally. However, Pinterest is so much more than a virtual bulletin board! How to use Pinterest for wedding planning and make the most of it?

How to Turn Down Your Ex Boyfriend Who Wants to Be Friends

How to Turn Down Your Ex Boyfriend Who Wants to Be Friends

Your relationship is over and you want to move on. But here is your ex boyfriend, who shows up and says he wants to be friends with you. And while he has no bad intention, you understand that friendship with him is the last thing you want. So how can you turn down your ex boyfriend, who wants to be friends with you?
Guest Attire Guidelines: What to Wear to a Fall Wedding

Guest Attire Guidelines: What to Wear to a Fall Wedding

The bride will be the center of everyone's attention on the wedding day, but it doesn't mean that you don't have to choose properly your own attire. Yes, you shouldn't outshine the bride, but at the same time you need to have a vibrant look. So what should you wear to a fall wedding?
5 Pick-Up Lines That Actually Work

5 Pick-Up Lines That Actually Work

Most girls hate clichéd, cheesy pick-up lines, and guys that use them are likely to get sassed, slapped, or simply ignored. However, not all pick-up line are terrible, some of them are pretty simple, inoffensive and effective at the same time. Here are five pick-up lines that actually work.

4  Secrets You Shouldn't Tell Your Friend

4 Secrets You Shouldn't Tell Your Friend

Sharing things with your BFF is an essential part of a friendship. However, this doesn't mean that you have to tell your best friend absolutely everything about your life. Some things are best kept to yourself, no matter how close you are with your BFF. Here are four secrets you shouldn't tell your friend.
How to Take Your Relationship to the Next Level in 4 Steps

How to Take Your Relationship to the Next Level in 4 Steps

You've been dating for several happy and fun months or even a couple of years, but your relations stay at the same level, you both as a couple seem to have no progress. And although many romantic relations naturally evolve into something bigger, like getting engaged, your needs to be pushed forward. We've prepared 4 steps for you how to take your relations to the next level.
5 Signs Your Partner Is Lying to You

5 Signs Your Partner Is Lying to You

People lie all the time, because small lies such as “I'm really okay” or “I didn't hear my phone ring” are still lies. The more little lies we tell, the more deceptive we become. The habit of telling lies can be destructive for a marriage, because marriage is supposed to be built on mutual trust. What are the signs your partner is lying to you?

How to Get Along With Your Cousins

How to Get Along With Your Cousins

Relationships between members of an extended family can very greatly. For example, some people treat their cousins as siblings, and others barely know them. If you are not very close with your cousins but want to become their friend, you should check out our tips on how to get along with your cousins.
6 Things You Are Never Too Old For

6 Things You Are Never Too Old For

Being a grown-up doesn't necessarily mean having a boring life. Age is just a number. You can stay young at heart by doing things that make you happy, even though other people don't find these things age-appropriate. Here are six things you are never too old for, no matter what others say.
6 Lies You Should Never Tell Your Spouse

6 Lies You Should Never Tell Your Spouse

Most people lie from time to time. We don't necessarily mean big lies about important things. Telling people that you're okay when you're really not is also a lie. People can lie because they think it will make things easier, because they are trying to protect others, or because they are afraid to admit the truth. Be that as it may, even small lies can ruin your marriage because they undermine trust. Here are six lies you should never tell your spouse.

6 Things to Know About Dating a Divorced Guy

6 Things to Know About Dating a Divorced Guy

Many women choose not to date men who have gone through a divorce. However, one failed relationship doesn't make a guy undateable. On the contrary, he may have learned from his mistakes, which will make him a great boyfriend. If you want to date someone who's divorced, go for it, but proceed with caution. Here are six things you need to know about dating a divorced guy.
8 Benefits of a Long-Distance Friendship

8 Benefits of a Long-Distance Friendship

We hope that our friends will be around forever, but that's not always possible. Live can move you to different places when you go to college or find a job. But living in different cities doesn't mean you can't keep in touch and remain friends. Just like long-distance romantic relationships, long-distance friendships have a number of benefits.
How to Honor a Deceased Family Member on Their Birthday

How to Honor a Deceased Family Member on Their Birthday

Losing someone you love is very painful. Although deep grief should not normally last for more than a year, it is natural to feel sad on the deceased person's birthday no matter how many years have passed. To overcome this sadness, find positive ways to honor a deceased family member on their birthday.

5 Lies You Need to Stop Telling Yourself

5 Lies You Need to Stop Telling Yourself

Lying to oneself is a coping mechanism, it helps people ignore problems and stay inside their comfort zone. But ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away, and being unable to step out of your comfort zone prevents your personal growth. That is why you need to stop using this unhealthy coping mechanism. Here are five lies you need to stop telling yourself.
How to Avoid Having a Boring Wedding

How to Avoid Having a Boring Wedding

There are a lot of wedding traditions that have accumulated over the years. They make planning the wedding easier, but some couples find traditional weddings boring and predictable. How to avoid having a boring wedding?
How to Show Your Spouse You Love Them

How to Show Your Spouse You Love Them

When people get married, they tend to start taking their partner for granted. It is a common mistake. If you want to keep your marriage happy and healthy, you need to keep on telling your spouse that you love them. And, more importantly, you should reinforce your words with actions. Here are six ways to show your spouse you love them.

6 Signs Your Life Is on the Right Track

6 Signs Your Life Is on the Right Track

Everybody has doubts at some point or another. Even when everything seems okay, we might feel like there's something holding us back. Even when we are (seemingly) happy, we might question our life choices. How do you know whether you need to change something in your life or not? Here are six signs your life is on the right track.
How to Connect With Your Grandchildren

How to Connect With Your Grandchildren

Being a grandparent is not the same thing as being a parent. When your grandchildren are born, you won't automatically know what to do, how to behave around them and what your role in their life is. And if you don't live in the same city, grandparenting can be especially tough. Here are some tips for connecting with your grandchildren and maintaining a good relationship with them.
How to Take It Slow in a Relationship

How to Take It Slow in a Relationship

Most people live a fast-paced life these days, and their relationships also tend to develop really fast. You meet a person, you feel the chemistry, you have sex, and suddenly you're in a committed relationship. Not that it is bad per se, but a lot of people miss the slow pace of teenage relationships with that giddy feeling of anticipation. If you want to relive these feelings in some way, you should know how to take it slow in a relationship.