6 Reasons Your Childhood Friends Are the Best

6 Reasons Your Childhood Friends Are the Best

There are a lot of people who don't keep in touch with their childhood friends. And it is okay because it is normal for people to grow apart as they become older. But while it is okay, it is also very sad because friends from childhood are unlike any other. If your childhood friends are still around, you're a really lucky person. Here are six reasons your childhood friends are the best.
How to Treat Your Spouse in Public

How to Treat Your Spouse in Public

A healthy marriage is based on mutual respect. Unfortunately, a lot of people forget about treating their spouse with respect when they're out in public socializing with other people. No one is perfect, and even if you do respect your spouse, sometimes is it so hard to refrain from making a negative comment or sarcastic remark. If you want your marriage to be happy and healthy, you need to know how to treat your spouse in public.
How to Deal With a Difficult Daughter-in-Law

How to Deal With a Difficult Daughter-in-Law

So, your son got married and you want to have a good relationship with your daughter-in-law, but you are having trouble getting along with her. It happens all the time, because mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law often have different temperaments, communication styles, beliefs, attitudes, and approaches to problem solving. How to deal with a difficult daughter-in-law? Here are some tips.

5 Tips for Learning to Love Your Body

5 Tips for Learning to Love Your Body

Body dysmorphia is a serious and fairly common mental disorder that typically starts during the teen years. People with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) are obsessively preoccupied with an exaggerated or even imagined flaw in their own appearance. BDD severely impairs quality of life, often leading to social isolation. If you're afraid that you might suffer from body dysmorphia, check out our tips for learning to love your body the way it is.
5 Bridal Shower Games and Activities

5 Bridal Shower Games and Activities

Bridal shower is a party intended for showering the bride-to-be with gifts. It is typically attended only by women (bridesmaids, close friends and relatives) and planned by one or more close friends of the bride. If you're planning a wedding shower for your friend, you may be looking for ideas. Here are five bridal shower activities and games to entertain the guests.
6 Tips for Getting Along With Your Daughter-in-Law

6 Tips for Getting Along With Your Daughter-in-Law

Dealing with in-laws can be hard, no matter how old you are and now much life experience you have. Even if you like your son's wife, it might take you a while to connect with her. Here are some tips for getting along with your daughter-in-law.

Pros and Cons of Being in the Friend Zone

Pros and Cons of Being in the Friend Zone

When you are trying to start a romantic relationship with a person and they tell you they only want to be friends with you, this means that you have been friend zoned. A lot of people think that being in the fiend zone is an absolute torture. As a matter of fact, this situation has its ups and downs. What are the pros and cons of being in the friend zone?
6 Signs Your Partner Is Your Soulmate

6 Signs Your Partner Is Your Soulmate

When most people make a commitment to get married, they hope they have found “the one”. But how do you know that you really found your perfect match? Here are six signs that your partner is your soulmate.
8 Date Ideas for Teens

8 Date Ideas for Teens

Unfortunately for teenagers, they have limited date night options as they're usually on a tight budget and can't go everywhere they want. Dinner and a movie and ice cream dates can get boring after a while, so teens have to get creative. Here are eight date ideas for teenagers to choose from.

How to Stop Being an Attention Whore

How to Stop Being an Attention Whore

People who always crave attention and would do almost anything to get it are referred to as attention seekers or attention whores. Although there are positive ways to receive attention, they tend to do ridiculous things just to be noticed. Do you recognize yourself in this description? If so, let us tell you how to stop being an attention whore.
How to Get Along With Your Adult Stepchildren

How to Get Along With Your Adult Stepchildren

Some people think that marrying someone with adult children is easier than marrying someone with younger kids. Surprisingly, it is wrong. Blended families with grown children can have just as many issues as blended families with young kids. There is no guarantee that adult children will be okay with their parent marrying someone. If you have trouble dealing with your grown stepkids, check out our tips for getting along with adult stepchildren.
6 Signs Your Marriage Is in Trouble

6 Signs Your Marriage Is in Trouble

Every marriage has its ups and downs. Couples in a healthy marriage overcome difficulties together, and their relationship becomes even more solid. Sadly, that's not always the case. Here are six signs your marriage is in trouble and you need to do something to fix it – or get a divorce.

6 Bridal Shower Ideas

6 Bridal Shower Ideas

Brides-to-be are luckier than grooms-to-be, because they get to have two parties in anticipation of their wedding: a bachelorette party and a bridal shower. A bridal shower is a gift-giving party hosted by one or more close friends of the bride and usually attended only by women. Bridal showers are not as wild as bachelorette parties, but they still can be a lot of fun. Here are six bridal shower ideas for you to choose from.
Does Age Difference Matter in Friendships?

Does Age Difference Matter in Friendships?

When we are young, most of our friends typically are our peers. But as we grow older, we start meeting more people who are considerably older or younger than us. Can we become friends with them? Does age difference matter in friendships?
7 Ways to Stay Young at Heart

7 Ways to Stay Young at Heart

They say that age is a state of mind. Being an adult doesn't necessarily mean living a boring and meaningless life. No matter how old we get, we can always have a youthful heart. Here are seven ways to keep seeing the world through young eyes and stay young at heart at any age.

6 Signs Your Marriage Is on the Right Track

6 Signs Your Marriage Is on the Right Track

Every married couple wants their marriage to be happy and healthy. Love is not the only thing you need to make your marriage work. There are several factors that make marriages last. Here are six signs your marriage is on the right track.
7 Tips for Engagement Photos

7 Tips for Engagement Photos

An engagement photo shoot is a great way to announce your engagement. You can also use these shots in your wedding decor. Engagement photos might seem less important than wedding photos, but you still want them to be perfect. Here are seven tips for engagement photos that you might find helpful.
7 Things That Can Ruin a Friendship

7 Things That Can Ruin a Friendship

Everyone has at least one friendship that has gone sour. Sometimes friends just grow apart, but in most cases friendship are ruined because of the common mistakes people make. Here are seven things that can ruin a friendship.

7 Signs That He Is Boyfriend Material

7 Signs That He Is Boyfriend Material

So, you've met a guy. He is cute, and funny, and seems nice, and treats you well (for now), but you're still not sure if he is the right one for a long-term relationship. Here are seven signs that the guy you are seeing is boyfriend material.
How to Preserve the Top Tier of Your Wedding Cake

How to Preserve the Top Tier of Your Wedding Cake

There are many traditions that surround wedding. One of them concerns wedding cake, well, the top tier, to be more precise. It says, that the top tier of wedding cake should be eaten on the first wedding anniversary. But why do couples do it and how actually can you preserve the top tier of your wedding cake?
8 Ways to Ignite a Spark in Your Marriage

8 Ways to Ignite a Spark in Your Marriage

You were in love when you married, but now you don't know what happened to both of you. Your feelings to each other are different, you almost don't feel anything to your spouse. In fact, all couples face the same problem, and while some divorce, others know and use these 8 ways to ignite a spark in a marriage.

6 Ways to Control Your Emotions

6 Ways to Control Your Emotions

Emotions follow everyone of us since the day of birth, they are inevitable part of life. And although being emotional is really good, sometimes emotions become the roadblock for rational thinking and totally control you. You do some things that you will later regret and that will cause you lots of problems. And it wouldn't happen, if you knew these 6 ways to control your emotions.
What Should You Do If Your Friend Has an Eating Disorder

What Should You Do If Your Friend Has an Eating Disorder

Many teens have friends who face eating disorder problems. No matter what kind it is, you have to be there for your friend and help them to fight it. But be careful, because getting over any kind of eating disorder is very hard and if you do something wrong, your friend will think that you've betrayed them. So what should you do if your friend has an eating disorder?
5 Tips for Becoming a Good Listener

5 Tips for Becoming a Good Listener

When people mention communication skills, they mostly mean talking because listening seems pretty easy. It is a common misconception. As a matter of fact, listening can be harder than talking, and being a good listener requires certain skills. Here are five tips for becoming a good listener.