How to Get Along With Your Cousins

How to Get Along With Your CousinsRelationships between members of an extended family can very greatly. For example, some people treat their cousins as siblings, and others barely know them. If you are not very close with your cousins but want to become their friend, you should check out our tips on how to get along with your cousins.

Attend family gatherings. Yes, they are sometimes boring and full of awkward questions, but how else are you going to meet your cousins? If you're about the same age, you can bond over sneaking out when your annoying older relatives become especially unbearable.

Find common ground. Your cousins might not be your peers, sometimes people have cousins who are slightly or even significantly older or younger than themselves. But this doesn't mean that you can't become friends. Age doesn't really matter in friendship. Of course, you might have different values, beliefs, and opinions, but you shouldn't focus on your differences. Find out if you have something in common and use your shared interests as a foundation for your relationship.

Communicate. Communication is the key to a successful relationship. If you want to get along with your cousins, talk to them. People like when others show genuine interest. Ask them questions (without being too invasive), pay close attention to their answers and tell them things about yourself (without oversharing). You cannot be friends with someone if you're unable to maintain a conversation with them.

Keep in touch. Once you've connected with your cousins at family gatherings, you should start meeting each other outside them. Keep your first meetings simple. For example, you can meet for coffee or lunch, catch a movie, etc. You should also stay in contact between meetings by texting, calling, e-mailing, using social media etc. We aren't saying that you should talk every day, but friendship needs communication.

Be there for them. Getting along with your cousins and being their friend is not just about chatting and hanging out together. A friend is a person who will provide their help and support when we most need it. So if one of your cousins needs you, be there for them.

Don't push. Be respectful of your cousins' boundaries. It might take them time to start feeling relaxed and comfortable around you and trusting you. You shouldn't expect to become their BFF right away. Being respectful to your cousins will help you gain their trust. You should appreciate your differences and avoid insulting your cousins' family members, even if you don't get along with them.



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