How to Tell Parents They Are Going to Be Grandparents

How to Tell Parents They Are Going to Be GrandparentsHaving a baby is always great, and you want to share this information with your parents and in-laws. But this moment should be unique, that's why you need to figure out something cute and funny, something to remember for the whole life. We've prepared very cute ideas how to tell your parents that they are going to be grandparents.

What can be easier than calling your parents and in-laws and telling them “You will be grandparents soon”? But you will agree that it's boring (however, some people would appreciate only this way of baby announcement). So we recommend you to wait till a holiday, family reunion or birthday of your parent or in-law. It will be a significant day for your family, and your announcement will only add to it.

Tip #1: use a card. Giving cards is traditional for birthdays and holidays, and we're sure that you're going to follow this pattern. But this time buy a card that reads “For Grandma” or “For Grandpa”. Let your parents think for a while what's really going on.

In case you don't want to make it so obvious, use a simple birthday or holiday card, but sign it in a special way. Write your name, name for your spouse and “our baby” or “baby #1”. Keep in mind the fact that some people may read “our baby” as “our dog” or “our cat”, if you already have a “furry baby”.

Make a “Save the Date” card! Fill the fields of When, Where and What with the information about your pregnancy.

Tip #2: use a T-shirt. There are hundreds of different T-shirts with a unique design, referring to pregnancy announcement. Present T-shirts reading “Grandpa” and “Grandma” to your parents and watch their reaction.

If you already have one child, then you can buy a special T-shirt for him or her. The T-shirt may read “Big Sis” or “Big Bro”. And couples that don't have children may use special T-shirts for dogs! If you don't find an appropriate T-shirt, then you can create your own design and order the print.

Beware: people often don't read what's written on T-shirts, that's why you will have to point it out, if no one notices it.

Tip #3: use their hobbies or work. Beforehand prepare a special “baby announcement kit” for your relatives and tell them, that you have something to drop off. The “kit” will include stuff connected with the hobby of your relative. For instance, if your mother is a knitter, then buy some pastel yarn and a book for baby knitting. This idea may be adapted to any crafts: crocheting, cross-stitching, scrapbooking, etc.

Tip #4: use a gift. If you have no chance to come to see your parents, then you can send them a gift, like a birthday present. Use ribbons, wrapping paper and a box to make sure that your present looks the right way. Put in the box a pacifier, baby clothes or a book for grandparents. It's a great way to tell your parents or in-laws that they will be grandparents without saying a single word.



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