8 Ways to Ignite a Spark in Your Marriage

8 Ways to Ignite a Spark in Your MarriageYou were in love when you married, but now you don't know what happened to both of you. Your feelings to each other are different, you almost don't feel anything to your spouse. In fact, all couples face the same problem, and while some divorce, others know and use these 8 ways to ignite a spark in a marriage.

#1 Bring back the forgotten times. When you were only dating, you and your spouse had some rituals, that made you closer to each other. These rituals actually fanned the flame of your love. Now it's the time to bring back the rituals you've forgotten. Go on dates with your spouse, plan romantic nights and other fun things that you used to do together.

#2 Try new things. You and your spouse can grow together as a couple by trying new things. Find new hobbies that you will share or just find something that will make both of you focus on something besides your current conflicts.

#3 Hug your spouse. Touching and hugging releases hormone oxytocin, the hormone of love. This hormone increases the feelings of safety and trust, and it's also responsible for arousal.

#4 Make a date box. Do you have any ideas for special dates with your husband? Going to the same place all the time isn't fun at all, besides, most of the dates are spent at home. So make sure that you always have some kind of idea waiting for you. Create a special date box, that will contain your ideas, what you can do together. Whether it's watching movie, opening a special bottle of wine or whatever else. It's here and it's waiting for you right in the box. You can also put new ideas in the box, as they come to mind.

#5 Send children to their grandparents. Being all the time with children kills all romance, and you have no time to relax and enjoy the time you spend alone. Why don't you send children to their grandparents for a weekend? Your parents or in-laws as well as your kids will be happy, and you will be able to do anything you want to.

#6 Give your spouse special attention. Everyone wants to feel that they are special. By the way, your spouse is really special to you, so why don't you treat them like that? It's funny how this treatment will reciprocate. This is a simple way to increase intimacy in your relationship.

#7 Talk more. Communication is the key to successful marriage, and it's the way how you can reconnect every day. Spend at least 30 minutes a day talking to each other and be genuine in your intention to talk.

#8 Forgive. Yes, there are fights between two of you and some words your spouse says you can't forgive. But unforgiveness and bitterness extinguishes any flame, no matter how bright it is. Make your relations more important than the faults of your spouse, forgive as quickly as you can and then you will be able to enjoy the sheer love you feel towards your spouse.



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