What a Female Midlife Crisis Looks Like

What a Female Midlife Crisis Looks Like

Midlife crisis has been considered for a long time to be men's priority: relations with younger women, expensive cars or starting exercising like mad to get an ironclad body. Does it mean that women who face midlife crisis use botox to get their beauty back or look for relations with teenagers? Well, let's have a look at what a female midlife crisis looks like.
How to Stop Blushing All the Time

How to Stop Blushing All the Time

Everyone who's blushing knows that it has nothing in common with girlish pink cheeks, but it's like to be a neon red from up your chest. Blushing makes you feel uncomfortable. Don't worry, you can handle it with our tips on how to stop blushing all the time.
How to Cope With Seasonal Affective Disorder

How to Cope With Seasonal Affective Disorder

“Summertime Sadness” is not just a song by Lana Del Rey. It is a mood disorder also known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), seasonal depression, winter/summer depression, winter blues. People with SAD experience depressive disorder when the seasons change, typically in winter or summer. How to cope with SAD?

How to Talk to Strangers

How to Talk to Strangers

When you were a child your mom always told you never talk to strangers. It is a good advice for a 7-year-old kid, but really bad for a grown-up person. In order to become more sociable you need to talk to people you don't know, and thus find new friends or business partners. We provide you with some tips on how to talk to strangers, if you're totally shy.
How to Cope With Sad Thoughts

How to Cope With Sad Thoughts

Everyone has sad thoughts and feelings from time to time, it's perfectly normal. Research shows that sadness typically lasts longer than positive emotions because we tend to fixate on the feeling of sadness. How to cope with sad thoughts and overcome sadness?
How to Stop Laughing in Inappropriate Situations

How to Stop Laughing in Inappropriate Situations

Laughter is a physical reaction to various stimuli such as humor or tickling. It normally expresses happiness, joy, relief, and other positive feelings, although sometimes we laugh to conceal our discomfort or embarrassment (nervous laughter). There are situations when laughter is considered inappropriate. How to stop laughing in a serious situation?

How to Cope With a Really Bad Day

How to Cope With a Really Bad Day

Sometimes everyone of us has a day when everything goes wrong. You have problems at work, a tire went flat, you broke your favorite vase and burned the chicken roasting for dinner. Don't worry, we will give you the tips on how to cope with a really bad day.
7 Ways to Combat Stress

7 Ways to Combat Stress

Problems at work, argument with your beloved one, sickness and just daily routine bring to never-ending stress, that everyday makes you feel worse and worse. Stop weeping and get yourself in hand, here are 7 ways to combat stress.
How to Stop Yourself From Crying

How to Stop Yourself From Crying

There is nothing wrong with crying when you are feeling emotional, it doesn't make you weak. However, sometimes crying in public feels embarrassing, so you should know the ways to compose yourself and hold back the tears. Here are some tips to stop yourself from crying.

How to Fake It 'Til You Make It

How to Fake It 'Til You Make It

“Fake it 'til you make it” is a common catchphrase that means to pretend to be something you're not until you actually become it. In other words, if you act confident then sooner or later you will feel confident. However, it's easier said than done. How to fake it 'til you make it?
How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

You always have somebody who is better, more successful and richer than you and it really makes you feel bad. You start comparing yourself to your friend or co-worker to see what you could, but haven't managed to achieve. Stop making your life miserable and comparing yourself to others. Our tips will help you do this.
How to Overcome Fear of Change

How to Overcome Fear of Change

There are many fears in your live, including fear of change. The changes may concern anything in your life: end of relations, promotion at work, moving to other city, divorce, marriage and having a baby. You're afraid of your own future and just fine with what you have right here and right now. It's time to overcome your fear of change and start moving forward.

How to Cope With Emotions After Divorce

How to Cope With Emotions After Divorce

The end of marriage, no matter how terrible it was, is never an easy thing. Now you are alone and you have mixed emotions about your ex-spouse. Today you feel hatred and relief that this nightmare has finally ended and tomorrow you will miss the daily family routine. Your emotions constantly change and everyone, who goes through alike situations, feel the same. Here are several tips on how to cope with emotions after divorce.
How to Get Over an Unrequited Crush

How to Get Over an Unrequited Crush

Crushing on someone is perfectly normal, innocent crushes happen all the time even when we are not teenagers anymore. Crushing on a person can be casual and fun. However, if your feelings are unrequited and the crush won't end, things might end bad for you. How to get over an unrequited crush and go on with your life?
How to Become More Independent

How to Become More Independent

Everybody should take control of their life and make decisions. However, sometimes people can't decide on something important by themselves because of lack of self-confidence.

How to Stop Thinking of Someone

How to Stop Thinking of Someone

Our mind generates an endless stream of thoughts. Usually it's very difficult to get rid of obsessions as our mind sticks to the thoughts that evoke vivid emotions which can be both positive and negative. Sometimes you have to make yourself forget someone you love to move on. How to stop thinking of someone? Read on to learn.
How to Stop Crying

How to Stop Crying

Sometimes there is no better way to handle a tough situation than to cry. What could you do when it's inappropriate to cry for some reason? How to stop crying if you are at work or have an important meeting? Let's find out.
How to Make Decisions

How to Make Decisions

Everyone has to make decisions since childhood. We have to choose between telling the truth or lying, doing well in school or not, being a good friend or a selfish person.

How to Forget the Past

How to Forget the Past

All of us are tortured by moments or situations that we want to forget as soon as possible. The problem is that the harder you try to forget the past, the less you succeed. What could you do? How to forget the past to feel happy in the present?
How to Cry on the Spot

How to Cry on the Spot

Sometimes you need to cry on the spot. For instance, women use this trick to attract men's attention. It is also important for actors and models. How to make yourself cry? How to evoke tears if there are no emotions? Let's dwell on how to cry on the spot.
Why Are You Unlucky in Love

Why Are You Unlucky in Love

The question “Why are you unlucky in love?” is urgent for many people who can't find their soul mates. When you are alone for a long time, bad thoughts strike your head. Let's dwell upon the reasons of unlucky private life.

How to Improve Your Communication Skills

How to Improve Your Communication Skills

Good communications skills are not a gift, but the result of hard work and self-improvement.
How to Become a Successful Person

How to Become a Successful Person

How to become a successful person? This question torments a lot of people who are not sure that they have got everything they want in life.