How to Cope With a Really Bad Day

How to Cope With a Really Bad DaySometimes everyone of us has a day when everything goes wrong. You have problems at work, a tire went flat, you broke your favorite vase and burned the chicken roasting for dinner. Don't worry, we will give you the tips on how to cope with a really bad day.

These tips will work for anything bad that happened to you during the day. However, they won't help you if you've got the news that you or one of your relatives has cancer or your spouse decided to divorce. Sorry for that.

There are plenty of ways how you can get over a bad day. First of all understand, that your bad luck lasts only till the time when you want to change your day for something better. That's why try to change your mind about the day and remove yourself from the stressful environment. Go from the place that reminds you about your troubles and have some rest. Changing the environment will change your mood and thoughts.

If you practise yoga, then meditate or do some asanas. You even don't have to go to yoga class, because many relaxing asanas can be done at your working place. For those who don't want to stretch themselves, we recommend meditation and concentration on something good in your life. Just closer your eyes, breath deep and let your negative thoughts go away. Concentrate your mind on a happy moment from your past: a romantic weekend with your partner, a long-awaited present or just happy minutes with your favorite pet. Feel the happiness you felt at the time of that moment in your life. You will be surprised how your mood changes just in five minutes.

Make something nice to yourself and allow yourself have something, that makes you happy, but what you don't do very often. For instance, buy some food that you really love, some nice bath product or have a foot massage. You also can use something that you already have at home. Think about a list of five things that make you happy and that totally depend on you. Whenever you feel very bad, do something from this list.

Dedicate some time for the things that will make you happy in the future. You might have many things to do in your agenda, but you don't have time for them. It's time to do them: hang a hook for the keys you always lose, back up photos or videos on your phone. Anything may work if it gives you the feeling that you control your life.

Make some sports: go jogging, running or to gym. One of the best ways to cope with a hard day is doing exercises. Physically fit people have enough of energy to cope with stress. The reason is that they focus on the body and it's feelings, rather then on problems and those things that happened to you. For a while let your body work and mind rest.

Express your feelings through creativity: drawing, playing music, dancing or painting. If you can't do any of that, then make up your own way of creativity, for example, a creative meal for dinner. By the way, you don't have to be very good at what you're doing, because the idea is that you're plunging yourself in an action, that makes you think and feel different from the emotions you have now.

Go to see your friends. Talking to people who you love always reveals stress and makes you feel good. If you haven't seen your friends for ages, then it's a perfect time to make a short visit or ask them to go out together and have some coffee or tea.

Bad emotions exhaust you, that's why if you don't get enough of rest, your next day will be as bad as today. Find time for appropriate rest, sleep for 8 hours with all your electronic devices shut down. Don't let anything distract you from your rest. Don't forget to “turn off” your mind. You will wake up in a good mood and will have a better day.



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