Easy Ways to Become Happier Today
Can you tell how happy are you? Do you really think that you're so happy or unhappy? Is there some space for improvement? We bet there is, because few people in the world can say, that they are happy. Try these suggestion and find your easy ways to become happier today.
5 Signs You're a Shy Extrovert
There is a common misconception that all extroverts are friendly and outgoing and all introverts are shy and reserved. However, the difference between extroverts and introverts doesn't lie in their degree of sociability. Basically, extroverts are energized by bring around other people and introverts are energized by being alone. That means extroverts can be shy and introverts can be outgoing. Here are five signs you're a shy extrovert and not an introvert.
How to Survive Holidays Alone
Thanksgiving Day opens the holiday season and everyone is eagerly waiting for Christmas and New Year to come. Presents, laughter and happiness are in the air, but you're miserable, because you have to spend holidays alone. Whether you've divorced or broke up with your partner, our tips on how to survive holidays alone will help you.
5 Tips for Overcoming Insecurity
Everyone has to deal with insecurity at some point in their life. Even seemingly self-confident people may feel insecure in certain situations. In some cases, insecurity is good because it prevents us from taking unreasonable risks. But in everyday life, being too insecure keeps us from stepping out of the comfort zone and accomplishing things. Here are some tips for overcoming insecurity.
How to Calm Down When You're Anxious
Different anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses among grownups. Every year many people suffer them and don't know how to deal with them. Moreover, anxiety can't be controlled, and if you try, it gets even worse. However, there are several tips that will help you calm down when you're anxious.
5 Benefits of Unplugging More Often
We are living in the digital age and cannot imagine out everyday life without computers, smartphones, tablets, and other gadgets. Technology makes our lives much easier, but every medal has its reverse. Many people have become overly dependent on gadgets. Most psychologists suggest that having some unplugged time every now and then helps cope with this dependence. Here are five benefits of unplugging more often.
How to Deal With Rejection
Rejection is one of the daily things that we do. We reject many things, that aren't interesting for us or we see no opportunities in them. And while rejecting some ideas or things is rather simple, we get outraged when someone rejects us. So how to deal with rejection and never let it drive you crazy?
Tips for Creating a Bucket List
A bucket list is a list of things to do (goals to achieve, activities to try, dreams to fulfill, etc.) before you die. This term comes from the euphemistic idiom “to kick the bucket” which means “to die”. Having a bucket list prevents people from being caught up in routine and helps them live life to the fullest. Here are some tips for creating your own bucket list.
How to Bring Micro Meditation Into Your Everyday Life
Those people who practice meditation every day know how great it feels. But full meditation requires some sitting time, that may not be easy to find. The only way out is to practice micro meditation, that requires only about 2 minutes. It's fast and helps clear mind, but how can you bring micro meditation into your everyday life?
5 Reasons to Stop Taking Too Many Selfies
Social networking sites are flooded with selfies these days, the phenomenon has become so widespread that the world “selfie” was announced as being the word of the year by the Oxford English Dictionary in 2013. There is nothing wrong with taking a selfie every now and then, but it shouldn't become an obsession. Here are five reasons to stop taking too many selfies.
How to Cope With Your Fear of Rejection
We all have our fears because the capacity to fear is part of human nature. The fear response has been preserved throughout evolution because its serves survival. However, there are a lot of irrational fears that bring a negative influence to our lives. The fear or rejection is one of them. Here are some tips for coping with your fear of rejection.
How to Fight Stress During Autumn
Summer is over and now you have to get back to that crazy rhythm of your life. As the days are getting colder and less sunny and kids go back to school, your stress level slowly climbs up and somewhere in the mid of October you are depressed. We've prepares some useful tips, that will help you fight stress during autumn.
10 Ways to Build Good Karma
According to Buddhist teaching, the law of karma explains everything that happens to you, whether it's good or bad. All your actions matter, if you want to be happy and have many good things happen to you. So here are 10 ways to build good karma, that you can use everyday.
6 Things You Are Never Too Old For
Being a grown-up doesn't necessarily mean having a boring life. Age is just a number. You can stay young at heart by doing things that make you happy, even though other people don't find these things age-appropriate. Here are six things you are never too old for, no matter what others say.
5 Lies You Need to Stop Telling Yourself
Lying to oneself is a coping mechanism, it helps people ignore problems and stay inside their comfort zone. But ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away, and being unable to step out of your comfort zone prevents your personal growth. That is why you need to stop using this unhealthy coping mechanism. Here are five lies you need to stop telling yourself.
6 Signs Your Life Is on the Right Track
Everybody has doubts at some point or another. Even when everything seems okay, we might feel like there's something holding us back. Even when we are (seemingly) happy, we might question our life choices. How do you know whether you need to change something in your life or not? Here are six signs your life is on the right track.
5 Tips for Learning to Love Your Body
Body dysmorphia is a serious and fairly common mental disorder that typically starts during the teen years. People with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) are obsessively preoccupied with an exaggerated or even imagined flaw in their own appearance. BDD severely impairs quality of life, often leading to social isolation. If you're afraid that you might suffer from body dysmorphia, check out our tips for learning to love your body the way it is.
How to Stop Being an Attention Whore
People who always crave attention and would do almost anything to get it are referred to as attention seekers or attention whores. Although there are positive ways to receive attention, they tend to do ridiculous things just to be noticed. Do you recognize yourself in this description? If so, let us tell you how to stop being an attention whore.
7 Ways to Stay Young at Heart
They say that age is a state of mind. Being an adult doesn't necessarily mean living a boring and meaningless life. No matter how old we get, we can always have a youthful heart. Here are seven ways to keep seeing the world through young eyes and stay young at heart at any age.
6 Ways to Control Your Emotions
Emotions follow everyone of us since the day of birth, they are inevitable part of life. And although being emotional is really good, sometimes emotions become the roadblock for rational thinking and totally control you. You do some things that you will later regret and that will cause you lots of problems. And it wouldn't happen, if you knew these 6 ways to control your emotions.
5 Tips for Becoming a Good Listener
When people mention communication skills, they mostly mean talking because listening seems pretty easy. It is a common misconception. As a matter of fact, listening can be harder than talking, and being a good listener requires certain skills. Here are five tips for becoming a good listener.
How to Toughen Up If You're a Sensitive Person
Being a sensitive person doesn’t mean anything bad. You enjoy your life, but you take all unexpected problems too deep and you lose control over yourself. Since you can't control everything in your life, you have to learn to control your own emotions. Our tips on how to toughen up should help you to overcome your problem.
7 Things You Should Never Say to Yourself
Everyone talks to themselves (internally). Self-talk is completely normal as long as you do it consciously and don't hear audible voices that are not your own. However, you should know that self-talk can be positive and negative. Negative self-talk is bad for your self-esteem. Here are seven things you should never say to yourself.
8 Ways to Enjoy Being Single
Being single doesn't mean that you're lonely. And it doesn't mean that you spend this time in search of your second half. It's the time that you live for yourself only, and you can enjoy it. And if you don't know how, we give you these 8 great ways to enjoy being single.