5 Unspoken Rules of Friendship

5 Unspoken Rules of Friendship

There have been tons of articles written on romantic relationships, but considerably fewer articles are dedicated to friendship. And that's a shame because relationships with your friends require as much work as relationship with your significant other. It is very important to know the unspoken rules of friendship in order to be a really good friend.
What to Do When You Have a Crush on Your Friend

What to Do When You Have a Crush on Your Friend

Developing a crush on one's friend is not uncommon. Friends have similar interests, they spend a lot of time together, and sometimes romantic feelings start to develop. A crush on your best friend may result in several things, including (but not limited to) the end of your friendship or living happily ever after. Much depends on how you handle your feelings. So, what to do when you have a crush on your friend?
5 Ways to Deal With a Clingy Friend

5 Ways to Deal With a Clingy Friend

Some people need more attention than others, for instance, when they are stressed or go through tough times. But what if one of your friends is constantly clingy and wants to spend all their time with you only? No matter how much you like your clinger, sometimes they drive you crazy. Here are 5 ways to deal with a clingy friend for you.

4 Ideas for Celebrating Valentine's Day With Your Friends

4 Ideas for Celebrating Valentine's Day With Your Friends

A lot of people agree that Valentine's Day is the most romantic holiday of the year. However, it is hard to stay in a good mood when everyone is celebrating the romance in their lives and you don't have anyone to spend this day with. But is that really so? How about your friends? Here are 4 ideas for celebrating Valentine's Day with your friends.
4 Signs That You're Falling for Your Friend

4 Signs That You're Falling for Your Friend

You have been friends for years, you've been through a lot together, you're extremely comfortable around each other, and both of you think that it's the best friendship you've ever had. However, you feel like something has shifted in your relationship. Whenever your hang out with your friend, you have this weird feeling in your stomach. Oh no, is it a crush? Here are 4 signs that you might be falling for your friend.
7 Things That Kill Friendship

7 Things That Kill Friendship

Friendship, as any other kind of relations, can end or last till the end of your life. The latter we usually see on TV in different series, but in reality we usually go through the first situation. Our friendships never last long, because we never try hard and don't keep in mind these seven things that kill friendship.

5 Signs That Your BFF Is Your Non-Romantic Soulmate

5 Signs That Your BFF Is Your Non-Romantic Soulmate

Your soulmate is a person with whom you have a feeling of deep affinity (kinship of spirit). You don't necessarily have to be in love with your soulmate, friends can be soulmates, too. Here are 5 signs that your best friend is in fact your non-romantic soulmate.
7 Signs That You Have a Frenemy

7 Signs That You Have a Frenemy

You life point is being nice to everyone, so you think, that you're surrounded by friends only. However, there are always some people, who want you to suffer. These are your enemies, who want to be thought as of friends. Check out these 7 signs, that you have a frenemy.
How to Get Over a Friend Breakup

How to Get Over a Friend Breakup

Ending a friendship can hurt just as much as ending a romantic relationship. Friendships can end for various reasons, but breaking off a friendship is painful regardless of the reason. How to get over a friend breakup and move on?

8 Signs That You're a Bad Friend

8 Signs That You're a Bad Friend

You might think, that your friendship is great and there are no reasons to worry about it, because your friends never say anything that you're always late, take and never give or cancel the plans in the last minute. Don't be surprised, if no one comes to you when you need them most of all. Check out these 8 signs of a bad friend, and find out, if you're one.
What to Do When Your Friends Don't Like Each Other

What to Do When Your Friends Don't Like Each Other

Most people have more than one close friend. Sometimes our friends belong to different social circles that don't overlap, and when we finally introduce them it turns out that they don't really like each other. Is there a way out of this situation? What to do when your friends don't get along?
How to Deal With the Always-Late Friend

How to Deal With the Always-Late Friend

Some people are always on time, while others are at least 20 minutes (and sometimes even hours) late! It irritates, because while you wait for your friend, you feel offended, and it's always like this. So how can you deal with the always-late friend?

How to Be Honest With Your Friends

How to Be Honest With Your Friends

Friends are supposed to be completely honest with each other. That's why we trust our friends and value them – we know that they will always tell us the truth, however harsh it may be. But being honest at all times is not easy, sometimes we are tempted to lie because we are afraid to hurt our friends' feelings. Here are some tips on how to be honest with your friends.
How to Set Boundaries in a Friendship?

How to Set Boundaries in a Friendship?

Like any relationship, friendships need personal boundaries. No matter how close you are with your friends, you still need your personal space, both physically and emotionally, otherwise you might feel uncomfortable. Usually, such boundaries happen naturally in a friendship, but sometimes they need to be established. How to set boundaries in a friendship?
How to End a Friendship

How to End a Friendship

Friendship with some people can last lifelong. But in most cases you grow apart with your friend and don't feel as close as you were before, or something has changed and now you don't want to listen to your friend's complains for hours. You feel awkward about it and you understand, that ending your friendship would be the best way out of the situation. So how can you do it?

How to Deal With a Bossy Friend

How to Deal With a Bossy Friend

All people are different, that makes all of us personalities. And while some are really generous and good-hearted, others seem to be mean or bossy. The latter seem to be the bosses with everyone and always tell what they should or shouldn't do. So what can you do to deal with a bossy friend, if you happen to have one.
6 Signs You Have a Fake Friend

6 Signs You Have a Fake Friend

A real friend is more than just a person who is fun to hang out with. Real friends will always be there for you and will give you support when you need it, while fake friends don't really care about you. However, sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between a real friend and a fake friend before it's too late. Lucky for you, we can help. Here are six signs you have a fake friend.
7 Things You Should Thank Your Best Friend For

7 Things You Should Thank Your Best Friend For

We often take our friends for granted, forgetting to thank them for everything they've done for us. That doesn't mean we don't appreciate them. We're just so used to having our friends around that we don't really think about how much they really mean to us. And although they know that we love them just like they love us, it won't hurt to say thank you every now and then. Here are seven things you should thank your best friend for.

What to Do If Your BFF Disapproves of Your Significant Other

What to Do If Your BFF Disapproves of Your Significant Other

Your best friend is one of the most important people in your life, and their opinion surely matters to you a lot. But what to do if your best friend doesn't like another important person in your life – your boyfriend or girlfriend? How to deal with this delicate situation?
What to Do If You Have No Friends

What to Do If You Have No Friends

Every person needs socializing, otherwise the feeling of loneliness will always follow us everywhere. However, at some point you understand, that you have no close friends, only people of acquaintance. These tips will help you find out what to do, if you have no friends.
How to Keep in Touch With Your Friends After Marriage

How to Keep in Touch With Your Friends After Marriage

A lot of people fail to keep in touch with their friends after getting married. Even though they thought that their friendships wouldn't change after marriage, finally tying the knot made them drift apart from their friends. Is losing your friends an inevitable consequence of marriage? No, it isn't, but you will need to put some effort into maintaining your friendships. Here are some tips for keeping in touch with your friends after marriage.

How to Get Out of Any Annoying Conversation

How to Get Out of Any Annoying Conversation

We've all been there: some people just won't leave you alone and talk, talk, talk... We don't want to be a part of this conversation and would do anything to stay out of it. No need to pretend to be a good listener, because our tips will help you get out of an annoying conversation.
Will Going Greek Help You Make Friends in College?

Will Going Greek Help You Make Friends in College?

College is a place where people make lots of new friends, and some of these friendships last a lifetime. College provides a lot of opportunities to meet new people, including (but not limited to) freshman orientation, dorms, classes, various activities, and of course fraternities and sororities. A lot of students join Greek organizations hoping that going Greek will help them make friends in college. Is it really a good way to make friends?
What to Do When Your Friend Becomes Your Boss

What to Do When Your Friend Becomes Your Boss

Having friends at work is always great and they really mean a lot to you, as well as non-work friends. But one day one of your work friends becomes your boss. Whether you're frustrated or happy for your friend, don't think that new responsibilities won't change your relations. So here are some tips for you on what to do when your friend becomes your boss.