8 Don'ts of Stepparenting

8 Don'ts of Stepparenting

Unfortunately, there is no instruction for stepparents as each blended family is unique, so each stepparent has to figure things out on their own. There are, however, some general rules that apply in most cases. Here is a list of stepparenting don'ts that might help you get along with your stepkids.
7 Tips for Getting Along With Your Stepkids

7 Tips for Getting Along With Your Stepkids

Stepparenting can be tough, especially if your stepkids are teenagers. But you need to get along with them because a good stepparent-stepchild relationship is essential for the well-being of a blended family. Here are some tips for getting along with your stepchildren.
How to Deal With Relatives Who Take Advantage of You

How to Deal With Relatives Who Take Advantage of You

You might feel pressured by your relatives who ask you to give them your money or help them whenever they need it. They all take advantage of you, and you feel miserable. It's time to find out how to deal with relatives who take advantage of you.

How to Get Along With Your Step Siblings

How to Get Along With Your Step Siblings

So, your parent got married and their partner already has a child or children of their own. They are part of your family now, there's nothing you can do about it, so you might as well learn how to get along with your step siblings.
5 Tips for Boomerang Kids

5 Tips for Boomerang Kids

So, you're fresh out of college and can't find a well-paid job. You can't afford your own place, even with roommates, and make a hard decision to move back home with your parents, becoming one of “boomerang kids”. Co-existing with your parents when you are an adult can be hard, all of you will have to adjust. Here are five tips for boomerang kids.
How to Live With In-Laws and Still Love Them

How to Live With In-Laws and Still Love Them

Living with the in-laws is always hard. No matter how much you love each other, you're both used to different things. What seems normal to you, might be unusual to your in-laws and vice versa. These little tips will help you understand how can you live with in-laws and still love them.

How to Handle Awkward Family Questions

How to Handle Awkward Family Questions

If you're going to meet your extended family members on Thanksgiving or Christmas, you will inevitably get interrogated. “How are your classes?” “Are you seeing anybody?” “What are you going to do with your degree?” “When are you going to have kids?” These questions can drive anyone nuts. Here are some tips for handling awkward family questions.
How to Tell Parents They Are Going to Be Grandparents

How to Tell Parents They Are Going to Be Grandparents

Having a baby is always great, and you want to share this information with your parents and in-laws. But this moment should be unique, that's why you need to figure out something cute and funny, something to remember for the whole life. We've prepared very cute ideas how to tell your parents that they are going to be grandparents.
What to Do If Grandparents Spoil Your Child

What to Do If Grandparents Spoil Your Child

There is a joke, that grandparents' work is spoiling their grandchildren and then sending them back home. It may sound funny to your parents and in-laws, but not to you, because you have to deal with a little disaster full of sugar right before going to bed. So what can you do if your grandparents spoil your child?

6 Hobbies for Empty Nesters

6 Hobbies for Empty Nesters

When children grow up and leave for college, their parents find themselves having a lot of free time on their hands and developing empty nest syndrome. There are several ways to fill this free time, hobby being one of them. Here's a list of hobbies for empty nesters.
How to Cope With Empty Nest Syndrome

How to Cope With Empty Nest Syndrome

When children grow up and leave for college, their parents often feel lonely, anxious and depressed. This condition is known as empty nest syndrome. It is more common in mothers (especially housewives), but fathers can experience it, too. How to cope with empty nest syndrome?
So Your Sister-in-Law Lives With You

So Your Sister-in-Law Lives With You

There are many problems with in-laws that are familiar to many families. One of them is that your sister-in-law lives with you. You share food and rooms, but it drives you crazy and you want to get rid of her as soon as possible. Calm down, we give you some tips on how you can handle the situation and keep family relations strong.

6 Tips for Living With a Boomerang Kid

6 Tips for Living With a Boomerang Kid

The term “boomerang kids” refers to adult children who move back home after graduating from college. Living with their adult child might seem like a good idea for parents who suffer from the empty nest syndrome, but this arrangement puts additional emotional and financial pressure on families. Here are six tips for living with your adult child.
How to Deal With Annoying Little Brother

How to Deal With Annoying Little Brother

Having a little brother is very fun and you really love him, but sometimes he drives you nuts and you would give anything for several quiet hours. Well, here are some tips for you on how to deal with your annoying little brother.
How to Organize a Family Reunion

How to Organize a Family Reunion

Family reunions don't come often, and they have to be properly organized. In order to avoid a disastrous reunion that neither you, nor anyone else will never forget, look at these tips on how to organize a family reunion.

So You Have a Crush on Your Cousin

So You Have a Crush on Your Cousin

The incest taboo is one of the most widespread cultural taboos in the world. However, relationships between cousins are kind of a gray area because the degree of social acceptance varies depending on the culture/religion/law etc. Is having a crush on your cousin bad? What should you do if you fell in love with your cousin?
How Can You Handle Uninterested Grandparents?

How Can You Handle Uninterested Grandparents?

Having grandchildren is so fun, you think, but your parents think the other way. They don't want to be bothered, while you expected them to be happy to help you with your kids, read them stories before they go to bed or give them a bath. How come that parents, who raised you and your siblings in love, don't want to see their grandchildren? And how can you handle uninterested grandparents?
So Your Father Is Dating a Younger Woman

So Your Father Is Dating a Younger Woman

When your parents begin dating other people after getting divorced, things might get awkward for you. Especially if your father decided to date a woman about your age. How do deal with this uncomfortable situation? What should you do if your father is dating a younger woman?

What to Do If You Don't Like Your Mother's New Boyfriend?

What to Do If You Don't Like Your Mother's New Boyfriend?

If your parents got divorced, you need to be ready that they may eventually start dating other people. Let's say your mother has met someone. She likes him and you genuinely what her to be happy, but there's something about the guy that makes you uncomfortable. What to do if you don't like your mother's new boyfriend?
How to Deal With Your Sister-in-Law From Hell

How to Deal With Your Sister-in-Law From Hell

Once you and your sister-in-law were best friends, but time has changed and now she hates you. Every family dinner is turned into a disaster due to your sister-in-law's poisonous tongue. She teaches you how to live, what to wear, how to iron clothes for your husband (who is her brother), look after your children... And every time you see her, you lose you appetite for a week. We give you several tips on how to deal with your sister-in-law from hell.
What to Do If Your Child Is Being Bullied

What to Do If Your Child Is Being Bullied

Not a single parent likes their child to struggle, suffer and being bullied (or being a bully). No matter how we want to protect our children from bulling, in fact almost half of them is somehow involved in it. How can you help if your child is being bullied?

What to Do If Your Mom Hates Your Boyfriend?

What to Do If Your Mom Hates Your Boyfriend?

Your happy relationship with your boyfriend is smeared by the fact that you mom hates him. There can be plenty of reasons for this, but the outcome is always the same. Your life seems to be ruined because you're very close to your mother and can't leave your boyfriend for good. What can you do if your mom hates your boyfriend?
How to Get Over Adult Sibling Rivalry

How to Get Over Adult Sibling Rivalry

Sibling rivalry is a normal aspect of childhood, especially when the age gap between siblings is between two and four years apart. Most siblings outgrow the rivalry stage, but sometimes siblings remain competitive even when they grow up. How to get over adult sibling rivalry?
How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

How to Deal With Annoying Relatives

Being relatives doesn't mean that you automatically get well along with all your uncles, aunts, grannies, granddads, sisters, brothers and even father and mother. Some of them may be very annoying, that's why every your or their visit becomes a nightmare. We will help you learn how to deal with annoying relatives to keep your mind calm and stressless.