5 Questions to Ask Your New Partner And Save a World of Trouble in Dating

5 Questions to Ask Your New Partner And Save a World of Trouble in DatingThe first dates give you opportunity to learn lots about your new partner, because you communicate and ask each other different questions. Shy people who never know what to ask can use different guides on good first-date questions, but we will go further and reveal 5 questions that you need to ask your partner to save you a lot of trouble in dating.

It doesn't matter whether you've met your new partner online or it's your new colleague, everyone can lie and hide their life. Your new partner seems to be a nice person, but in a couple of months when you're totally in love with them you find out that they are married, and you're nothing more but a lover. Love, as well as life, can be very complicated, that's why asking these important questions will help you decide right now whether to push forward or go on your own way and look for someone else.

#1 Are you in a relationship? Many guys start dating someone else just to have some fun. They are tired of their long-lasting relationship and want some “fresh air”, but they never break up with their current partner. So, before you or he makes any moves forward, ask him whether he's in relationship. You can ask it in different ways, like “Are you single?” or “When did your last relationship end?”. If he stutters and can't give you a straightforward answer, then you'd better keep on moving.

#2 Are you seeing anyone? Being in relationship and seeing someone else are totally different things. Your new partner can have a friend with benefits, sleep with his ex or be in a complicated breakup-makeup relationship. If you know that your partner is seeing someone else, you know what to expect.

#3 Are you looking for a relationship? You know that you want something real and long-lasting, but you might meet someone who's scared to commit. Asking this simple question will save you weeks of dating someone, who can't be your mate.

#4 Are you married? It may sound hilarious, but marriage can be a really complicated thing. The problem is that the person who is not in a relationship, isn't seeing someone else and is ready to commit can technically be married. The process of divorce lasts for ages, and when you finally find out that your partner is still technically married, all your romance will be dead. That's why it's so important to ask about marriage. If your partner is divorced, then ask him to show you the papers.

#5 Do you have any children? If you've met your new partner online, then you must know whether they have kids or want them. Most dating- sites provide this information, but in real life you need to meet in a daycare or at the playground to be sure. Definitely, there's nothing wrong about this aspect, but you really need to know, so don't be afraid to ask and answer as well.



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