9 Tips on Kissing a Girl for the First Time

9 Tips on Kissing a Girl for the First TimeMany men don't want to ask any advice on kissing, because they feel embarrassed to talk about this topic. And they think, that kissing happens in a natural way, you just press your lips against girl's lips and that's all. We must admit, it's not everything you should know about kissing. Remember our tips on kissing a girl for the first time and learn to become a great kisser!

#1 Imagine the kiss. It may sound funny, but the first thing you have to do is to imagine the kiss. Try to do it, when you're alone. Think, how you will act and where you will keep your hands (we'll talk about it later). Use your imagination to get ready for this situation. Your girl will definitely feel, if you're panicking!

#2 Keep your breath fresh. Your mouth is the main instrument for kissing, and the freshness of your breath is very important. Not a single girl will like to kiss a person, who's got bad breath. So, before you're going on a date, brush your teeth, avoid eating food with onions and garlic, and if you smoke, try not to smoke for the last couple of hours. Also if you're still nervous about the breath, then keep mints on hands, that can be easily swallowed, when the right moment comes.

#3 Relax. Remember to relax your body before you kiss. Don't act like you're a sprinter ready to go any second. And if your body is stiff, your lips won't be soft and sensual.

#4 Slowly move into the kiss. When you've built the right moment for the kiss, don't hurry up. Move your head towards your girl slowly, and see her movement. Don't open your mouth, when you're a feet away from your girl. Leaning to a kiss with your mouth closed is mature and respectful.

#5 Close your eyes. Some people like kissing with their eyes open, but for the first time you'd better close your eyes. You will relax and won't look weird. By the way, if your girl notices that you keep your eyes open during the kiss, she will think that you don't enjoy it at all.

#6 Don't push your lips. Your kiss should be gentle and soft, so don't press your lips against girl's face. Even if you're very passionate about the kiss, there's no need to push too hard. It's the first kiss! You can show your passion much later, and level it to your girl's comfort.

#7 Tongue in. Great news for you: you don't have to use your tongue, if it's the first kiss. Tongues are for mature kissers. And even if you're, it's better to wait till at least the second kiss to use it.

#8 Watch your hands. Your girl won't enjoy the kiss, no matter how sensual it is, if you stand away from her forming the letter A with your bodies. Stand close, and now we're going to talk about the position of your hands. Touching her cheek or back of her neck is OK. You can also put your hands on her waist or upper part of her hips. And if you're sitting, then you can keep her hand in yours.

#9 Let it go slowly. You must have seen in movies, that when people kiss, then turn heads. You don't need it at all, by the way, it's already two kisses, not one. Just let it go slowly, and your girl will know, that the kiss is over. Open your eyes and smile. You must be happy now!



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