How to Keep a Healthy Marriage After a Baby

How to Keep a Healthy Marriage After a BabyHaving a baby might be a long-desired thing, but your little one will totally change your marriage. You will have hard times to go through and it may affect your marriage. We know that you want to keep a healthy marriage after a baby, and these tips will help you do it the right way.

Get used to your new body. The happy 9 months of pregnancy are behind you and now after delivery you need some time to get used to new wrinkles, stretch marks and extra pounds. Don't expect to spring up like a supermodel and don't look at the pictures of celebrities, who have perfect after-baby bodies. Celebrities don't face the same problems as you do.

Tight budget. Many young families are wound up by the money issues and understanding of the fact that now the income will be much lower. You'd like to stay for a year at home, but you're afraid that you won't have enough of money to raise your child. This problem should be solved while you're still pregnant. Try to live 6 months on a salary of your husband, while your own income is be saved. After this time you understand how it feels to be on a tight budget and you will adore casseroles instead of a take-out food.

Have your own fund. Right after the birth of your child you feel happy, but soon enough you get tired of everyday routine and you will want to treat yourself with something special. Now you have to rely on your husband's salary only, and that's why you can't afford classes of yoga for mums or something special for you. Your husband won't be happy with your needs, that seem senseless to him. And since you've always been independent and don't want ask your husband for some money, have your own savings, that you will spend on yourself only.

Face the post-birth feelings. When you look at the pictures of other families, you see how happy they are. But you start thinking that you want to kill the man with whom you have experienced the miracle of creating a life. Your feel that the house and your life is a total mess and your feelings change. Talk about the things that went wrong for you with your husband, because you need to find a solution to the problems.

Make sex dates. Sex is still important for your husband, and you're so tired with the baby and feel too “touched” that want to have some rest. You even can't think about having sex! And that's where things break down. Get in the right mood by scheduling sex. Don't laugh, because it's almost the same as when you were not married. You were scheduling dates and you knew how they would end. Now it's time to come back to planning.

Ask for help. There's a lot of work around the house and you have to take care of the baby. You can't do everything on your own, that's why ask your husband for help. Let him make bed and do dishes. He can help you with cleaning and participate in daily baby care routines, like changing diapers or giving a bath. By the way, your husband now should think about doing dishes as a foreplay.

Grandparents issues. It's great when your parents and in-laws help you, but you can't allow them to stay 24/7 at your place. It's irritating no matter how much you love your relatives. Make sure that you set boundaries and ask your in-laws and parents to leave you alone for some time. No matter how much time they babysit and how generous their presents are, you need some time for your family only.



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