How to Survive and Enjoy Visits From Children and Grandchildren

How to Survive and Enjoy Visits From Children and GrandchildrenYou definitely love your children and all their children, and you'd like to see them as often as possible. But summer visits can be not only fun, but also a ton of work. Your forget about your quiet life, where that pantries are full of everything. Now you don't have nothing to eat at home, and still the guests do not leave. It's time to talk about how you can survive and enjoy visits from children and grandchildren.

Summer is the best time for family reunions. Although you might have not planned the reunion itself, but your children come to visit you on any major holiday. You're happy to see all of them again at your place, because you love all your children and grandchildren. But at some point you think of them as of a swarm of locust that comes and eats every crumb. And still you love all of them. So try to enjoy this visit and use these simple tips to help you.

#1 Have an agenda. It's not fun when you cook a meal for a big family and no one comes, as well as you don't cook anything and they arrive. Ask your children for the agenda, so you can plan ahead and cook more food than usual. They need to tell you, if they have any changes in plans. Also you need to keep some frozen pizzas and lasagnas just in case of any unexpected dinner.

#2 Cook simple meals that everyone enjoy. It's summer and your grandchildren enjoy the visit to their grandparents, so let them be a bit spoiled. Cook dishes they all enjoy eating, thus you will have less leftovers and children won't complain. But don't overtry, otherwise they will come back next year and expect the same treatment again. So be wise about that. Also try to cook dishes, that don't require hours of preparation. Something simple as burritos, that are hearty and very tasty.

#3 Remember about your own needs. Although now you're the host, you don't have to entertain everyone and forget about your own needs. If you call it a night really early, don't change your lifestyle because your children stay up late.

#4 Let your children pay for food. When your children stay long at your place, it doesn't mean that now you're responsible for all expenses. Yes, they traveled to your house, that can already be expensive for them, but if they buy some food, when you're out of milk, bread and eggs, it won't hurt them at all. Also some children like to treat their parents and take them out. If you're offered, then let them pay the bill for you. Your children have a stable income, while you're retired and may be already low on your budget.

#5 Don't participate in all their activities. You don't need to go everywhere your children are going to. If they are planning the visit to a local zoo and later going around the city, you don't need to participate in all of that. Be free to enjoy the time when you're alone, just ask them to take lots of pictures to show you later. You can participate in a few things, but only if you feel healthy and comfortable to go.

#6 Ask to change the sheets when they leave. Finally your guests are leaving, and now you've got plenty of work to do. And you start from the laundry. Changing all beds is really tiresome, and your family can help you by doing that on their own. Everyone can change sheets and stack them along with dirty towels in the laundry room.

No matter how much hard it might be to survive the family visit, don't forget to show how much you love all of them. Appreciate their arrival, because many grandparents don't have that chance at all!



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