How to Attract Your Husband's Attention Again?

How to Attract Your Husband's Attention Again?You never thought that your husband would lose interest in you after the marriage. However, it often happens, because daily routine and the way we treat each other contribute it. So, you lack husband's attention and want to be with him, but he seems not to notice you at all. Our tips will help you attract your husband's attention again.

Don't nag. There are many ways how you've made your husband never notice you. And the most common way for reaching that is constant nagging. It never gives the desired result, and now the more you complain that you miss your husband, the more he will avoid you.

Find your own passion again. Do you know, why your husband fell in love with you? It's not because he knew you would be a perfect housewife, it's because you were yourself all the time. You loved singing while cooking or enjoyed some hobbies. And what are you now? If you've changed and lost your own self in the daily routine, it's time to rediscover your own passion.

Dress for yourself. Don't try to use your makeup and clothes to impress your husband. Use them to impress yourself. Try to wear things that make you feel sexy, or spend a bit more time for makeup to look sexy. And never be afraid too look sexy all the time, even when you're cleaning the house.

Don't become just a mom. If you have children, then you definitely pay all your attention to them. But making your marriage children-centered won't contribute to your relations with your husband. And before the distance between the two of you becomes wider, make your marriage couple-centered. Don't be afraid to miss the Saturday soccer practice to enjoy the romantic weekend. This way you will contribute to your children's vision of successful marriage, because when they grow up, they will follow your pattern and enjoy their own successful marriages too.

Don't smother your husband. The distance between two of you may be caused by your desire to spend every free moment with your husband. You smother him and never let stay alone or see his friends. Limiting his freedom outside the work will make him start hiding from you.

Don't make him jealous. Jealousy is certainly one of the worst traits, but you shouldn't cultivate it in your husband. Listing him all men you meet and talk to will make him think that you're unfaithful, because you need all that male attention. And when your husband assumes, that you're lying to get his attention, he won't like this tactic.

Don't ignore his complaints. Does your husband complain, that you're too messy, spend too much money or pay too much attention to your Facebook life? Instead of being defensive, think, if his complains have merit. Yes, you might also have complains about him, but you need to resolve the ongoing conflict of your marriage, otherwise it will make the distance between you too wide to cope with on your own.



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