How to Hide an Engagement Ring

How to Hide an Engagement RingSo you decided to propose to your significant other and even bought a ring, but the time to propose hasn't come yet. This means you need to hide the ring so that your loved one doesn't discover that you are going to propose and the surprise isn't ruined. How to hide an engagement ring?

Your pocket/bag. Taking the ring with you wherever you go is a possible solution, but it isn't the best one. What if your lose it or have it fall out of your pocket or bag right in front of your loved one? Constantly wondering whether the ring is safe is quite stressful.

Hard-to-reach place. It may sound somewhat cynical, but you can use your partner's height to your advantage. Hide the ring in a place they can't reach. If your significant other is short, you can hide it on the top shelf of your closet. If they are tall, you can put the ring underneath the shelving.

Unexpected place. The hiding spot doesn't necessarily have to be hard to reach. You just need to find a place where your significant other will never look for anything. It can be your sock drawer, your suitcase (unless you're going to travel soon), your gym bag or supplement bottle, your toolbox, your guitar case, etc.

At work. If you trust you co-workers, you can hide the ring in your desk drawer at work. Even if your partner visits you at work, it is highly unlikely that they will go through your stuff. Just to be on the safe side, invest in a lock.

In your car. No, we don't mean the glove compartment, it's too obvious. Tape the ring underneath the driver's seat and start praying that your car is not stolen (you have insurance, right?). The trunk is also an option if you're sure you're fiancé(e)-to-be isn't going to use it anytime soon.

With a friend. If you live together and there's absolutely nowhere to hide the ring at your place, ask a friend to keep the ring for a while. Be sure to choose a reliable person who won't lose the ring or spill the beans to the proposé(e)! And don't forget to include having your helper give you the ring back into your proposal plans. Are they going to do it beforehand or right at the proposal moment?

Jewelry store. Just leave the ring at the jeweler's once you've purchased it and tell them you'll come back for it later, most stores will agree to keep your ring until the day of the proposal.

Safe-deposit box or bank vault. Bank vaults are specifically designed for storing valuable items. There is no way your partner will find the ring there and you won't lose it. The problem is that renting a safe-deposit box or bank vault can be quite expensive.



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