How to Feel Closer to Each Other in a Long-Distance Relationship

How to Feel Closer to Each Other in a Long-Distance RelationshipBeing miles away from your second half doesn't mean that your relationship won't work. In fact, thousands of couples have to go through this hard period of time, so you're not the only one who asks for some advice. So here are some tips for you how to feel closer to each other in a long-distance relationship.

Use technology. Modern world gives us thousands of ways to stay connected with each other. The easiest and the most productive way is to use technology. For instance, Skype is very easy to set up and it has friendly interface. Call your second half any time you want to and talk as long as you can. And seeing the face of your dear one is the best way to feel closer to them, so don't forget about such great thing as a webcam.

Write letters. We don't mean e-mails, but real letters. Reading words written on paper means much more than anything typed on the computer. By the way, if you don't know what to write, then just send each other some things. It can by anything small that belongs to you. All these little things make you feel closer to each other.

Do same things. It's really a good tip, that will make you feel like you're next to each other right now. Just do the same things, for instance, eat, watch movies or play games together. Your webcam will help you with it, because the video it sends is kind of an extension of your own room.

Use scents. Do you miss your partner badly? Then use the scent of their perfume or cologne to feel like they are here. Spray some of the perfume on blanket, and at night you will feel their presence.

Little things do matter. Tell your partner about all little things that happen in your life. You might think that it's silly, because really nothing special happens. But the couples who live together normally tell each other such things, like what they had for dinner, something interesting they saw or what made them laugh. So don't miss the chance to do it too.

Be honest. Your partner should know what happens in your life, even if it's something bad. So be honest and tell about your problems. But don't leave upset, because you will make your second half sorry that they can't help you right now, that's why try to stay positive. Don't let your bad thoughts spoil those precious moments when you can talk to each other.

Celebrate important anniversaries. All birthdays, anniversaries and holidays are even more important for two of you, when you're apart. Celebrate them the way you can. By the way, remembering things like that will make your partner understand, that you think about them each and every single day.



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