Bloemencorso Eelde

Bloemencorso Eelde
Bloemencorso Eelde (Eelde Flower Parade) is an annual flower festival held in the Dutch town of Eelde. The parade takes place the first weekend of September, attracting about 50,000 spectators from all over the Netherlands and abroad.

Bloemencorso is a Dutch word that means “flower procession”, “flower parade” or “flower pageant”. Such parades feature floats, cars and sometimes even boats decorated with seasonal flowers. They are held in many towns in the Netherlands and Belgium that are known for their flower-growing industry. One of such towns is Eelde.

Bloemencorso Eelde was founded in 1957 but its roots can be traced to 1955, when the traditional Floralia Exhibition was held in the nearby town of Paterswolde. At the exhibition, a film about Bloemencorso Aalsmeer was screened. Next year, the exhibition committee and a number of graduates of the local horticultural school attended Bloemencorso Aalsmeer and enjoyed it so much that they decided to organize a similar parade in Eelde.

Since its inception, it has became one of the biggest recurring cultural events in the region and a major tourist attraction. An independent jury has listed it among the most beautiful flower parades in Europe. The event has won a number of prestigious awards and was honored with a visit from Princes Margriet of the Netherlands on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Bloemencorso Eelde.

The Eelde Flower Parade is held on the first Saturday of September. It features 16 platforms decorated with dahlias that are accompanied by marching bands and revelers in bright costumes. The procession is followed by a street party with entertainment, food and drink stalls, various merchandise, and special activities for kids. At about 6 pm the best platforms are awarded with prizes.

On Sunday, the platforms are exhibited along the main street of Eelde. The second day of the event also features non-stop entertainment, including local and national artists, a big market, and children’s activities. The festivities are presided over by the Flower Queen (Bloemenkoningin) who is elected prior to the festival.

Bloemencorso Eelde

Photo: Harry Harms




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