6 Things Your Should Thank Your Ex For

6 Things Your Should Thank Your Ex ForSome relationships end up messy, and both sides are hurt and hold grudge against each other. There's no forgiveness and forgetting about what's happened. Many people feel this way, and you may recognize yourself here. But eventually time passes and instead of thinking about everything bad in past relationship, you should thank your ex for so many things.

Every relationship should teach you something. Every break-up makes your more mature and you really know what you need and don't need in your relationship. But you can learn this lesson only if you understand what was wrong in your relationship. If you don't do that and you always think that you were right, your next relationship will end up with the same result: again you will be with the wrong person who never understands you. That's why instead of being pissed off that the things couldn't work out, think of good memories that your ex gave you. And thank them for.

#1 Thank your ex for making you better in your next relationship. After breaking up you keep asking yourself, what if... You can't turn back time, but you can go on and check what happens, if you don't do this and that. Your new relationship will definitely be much better.

#2 Thank your ex for teaching you what you want in a relationship. You never really know what you want in your relationship till you get it. Or don't get it. Think of the moments in your relationship that you miss the most, and that's what you really want and need in your next relationship.

#3 Thank your ex for arguing with you. We always grow up as people, and learn lots of things, even all about arguments. The arguments with your ex taught you how to pick your battles, let little things go, and approach big things.

#4 Thank your ex for loving your even when you weren't your best self. Did you think that you have to be perfect in your relationship all the time? Even when you felt terrible and was upset? But your ex kept loving you no matter whether you were perfect at that time or not. They loved you just because you were whole.

#5 Thank your ex for forgiving you when you hurt them. You might have hurt your ex in your past relationship, and even not once. But they still loved you and forgave you. Thank you ex for that, because it showed you how to love better.

#6 Thank your ex for letting you go. Seriously, you needed to go to be happier in your next relationship. So thank them for understanding that you couldn't be together any more and that you need to find love you're seeking for.



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