5 Most Common Mistakes the Newlyweds Make

5 Most Common Mistakes the Newlyweds MakeSo, now you're happily married, but it's not the time to relax and think that from now on everything will be perfect. Don't think that the married life is always shiny, it's actually full of problems and they begin right from the first day of your marriage. Watch out for these 5 most common mistakes the newlyweds make.

#1 Forgetting about your family and friends. We understand your wish to spend all your time with your spouse, especially, if you've just moved in together. But be sure that you don't forget about the other most important people in your life – your friends and family. Schedule the nights out with your friends and coworkers, visit your family as often as possible. When your first anniversary is around, you don't want to realize, that you haven't seen any of your friends for a year.

#2 Complaining about your in-laws. There aren't many people who have a perfect mother-in-law, and mostly we have to deal with monster-in-law. Complaining to your spouse that their mother is overbearing isn't the right way to go. Also realization that now you have to call your mother-in-law “Mom” seems to be incredibly annoying. Now your task is to learn to coexist with the family of your spouse. Unless you think that you've got toxic in-laws, you have to grin and pretend like everything is just fine. However, you need to discuss the boundary concerns with your spouse in a mature way.

#3 Money issues. One of the first things that strikes the marriage is dealing with debts. Did you know, that money is the most common issue the couples fight about? Putting these issues on ice will harm your marriage, so don't waste time and set up a financial plan.

#4 Next big steps. After the months you've spent planning the biggest day in your life, you're very easy to fixate on the next big step forward. Many women are obsessed with babies or buying a house. Don't even think about such things! Buying a house a few months after your wedding turned out to be a mistake, and selling it a year later will be a major headache that neither of you two want. The same concerns having a baby. Most couples become “plus one” only within three years after their wedding, so you have plenty of time to enjoy. Don't rush, unless you're eager to wake up at 4 a.m. for a morning feeding.

#5 Letting romance die. While you date, your relationship is full of romance, but when you live together, the nights out die away. Don't let it happen, because if you want your relationship work, then keep the play alive. Take turns in planning a night out at the end of the week. The dates shouldn't be very expensive or fancy, they are meant to keep your relations going and letting you relax.



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