How to Date a Vegetarian When You Eat Meat

How to Date a Vegetarian When You Eat MeatThe chances that you'll come across a vegetarian on your dating path are very strong, and you will have to deal with that. The first questions that will pop in your head are “Where should you go?”, “What should we talk about?” and, finally, “Can I eat meat on the date?”. Don't be afraid, because omnivorous people can date vegetarians and have fun together.

Keep your mind open. Never judge a person by the food they eat and be open-minded. You think, that the first date in a steak-house sounds great, but when you find out about food preferences of your date, your choice turns out to be no so great as before. So look for new places and never let yourself to joke about your date's diet.

Choose the places you go carefully. It will be rude to take your date to a burger joint that doesn't serve veggie burgers. Asking your date to order a salad means that it's your last date together. Make a little investigation and find places that serve lots of vegetarian dishes (and these are not only salads, as you might think) or at least vegetarian friendly. For instance, many Asian restaurants have whole sections of menu dedicated to vegetarian food. And if your really adventurous, then explore vegan restaurants. You will be amazed to find out about lots of dishes that taste like they are cooked with meat, but actually without it. Did you ever hear of vegetarian bacon and sausages? No? Then it's high time to try them.

Feel free to talk about their diet. Don't think that talking about food with a vegetarian on your first date is impolite. Actually, you will have lots of topics for conversation. However, don't ask your date, what they eat except of vegetables. The right question to ask is actually what they DON'T eat. There are many varieties of vegetarian diets and some include seafood, some don't include eggs and/or diary products.

Don't order meat. For now. If it's your first date with a vegetarian, then you'd better never order meat. Opt for something vegetarian and find new tastes. Remember, that there's no connection between the food you eat and the quality of time you spend with your date. However, your date should know that you eat meat and should be fine with that. So feel free to order meat on your second or third date.

What and whom you should avoid. There are some people and things you should avoid. For instance, avoid new vegetarians, because they might trying to convert you to their diet. If your date makes you feel guilty just because you eat meat, these relations are not worth it. Also avoid pressing your date to try some meat and silly questions like “Do you miss eating meat?” or “When will you eat meat again?”. Vegetarians as well as meat-eaters respect the diet of others!



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