7 Benefits of Procrastination

7 Benefits of ProcrastinationProcrastination – the practice of putting off impending tasks – is generally considered a bad habit. It prevents people from achieving their goals, makes them less disciplined and unreliable. However, moderate procrastination can be good for you. Here are the benefits of procrastination you should know about.

It helps you prepare. Important tasks are scary. Procrastination gives you an opportunity to prepare mentally and build up the courage to complete the task. Don't see it as procrastination, see it as preparation.

It helps you focus. When you don't have much time to complete a task, you really focus on it and don't get easily distracted. Besides, a fast-approaching deadline gives your an energy boost (say thanks to adrenaline) and makes you work faster in order to get things done in a minimum amount of time.

It helps get small things done. Small routine tasks are boring, so we often avoid doing mundane things. However, when you are putting off a large and important task, you suddenly realize that small tasks are not so bad after all. Besides, coping with smaller tasks boosts your confidence that will come in handy when you are finally ready to get the important job done.

It gives you time to think. Procrastinating doesn't mean that you stop thinking about the task. Sometimes you need to muse over an idea to have something done or make a decision. Sometimes you need to sleep on it. Even if you're not actively thinking, your subconscious mind is probably working on the problem.

It helps you avoid anxiety. Many people spend more time stressing over a task than actually completing it. Procrastinators don't let themselves get stressed out before actually getting to work. Most of them are very chill.

It helps you become healthier and/or more intelligent. If your idea of procrastination is taking a nap, doing yoga, jogging or hitting the gym, you are probably healthier and fitter than sleep-deprived overachievers. If you like to procrastinate by reading, you get to learn a lot of new things and improve your IQ.

It allows you to find time for pleasurable things. Sometimes we get so preoccupied with impending tasks that we forget to do the things we enjoy. Procrastination allows to make time for doing pleasurable things, bonding with your family, hanging out with your friends, etc.

Of course, procrastination has many drawbacks as well as benefits. If you are constantly procrastinating and use procrastination as an excuse for your failures, it is unhealthy. But a little productive procrastination ever now and then won't hurt.



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