6 Dos and Dont’s of Washing Your Face

6 Dos and Dont’s of Washing Your FaceEveryone knows that face washing is one of the basics of any skincare routine. But do you know that it is not so simple as it may seem? In order to keep your skin clean and healthy, you need to make sure that you wash your face right. Here are the basic dos and don’ts of face washing.

Do Wash Your Face at Least Twice a Day

Some women wash their face only in the morning, thinking that removing makeup in the evening is enough to keep their face clean. However, most makeup removers won’t help you get rid of all impurities, so you still need to wash your face to remove everything that has accumulated on the skin during the day before going to bed. In addition, you should wash your face after a sweaty workout.

Check this out: 7 Basic Steps of a Proper Skincare Routine

Don’t Overdo It

While washing your face twice a day is a must, doing it more often might be an overkill. When you wash your face, you strip the skin of its natural oils that protect from dehydration and various external factors. Overwashing and overexfoliating prevent the protective lipid layer of the skin from restoring itself in time, which can result in skin dehydration and damage. In addition, overwashed skin starts to produce more oil in order to compensate for the loss, resulting in oily skin and clogged pores.

Check this out: 8 Tips for Washing Your Face Properly

Do Choose the Right Face Wash

Washing your face with soap is generally not recommended, as soap has an alkaline pH level, and your skin has an acidic pH level. A gentle facial cleanser without sulfates or other harsh surfactants is a much safer and better option. Don’t forget about other skincare products as well. After washing your face, use a toner to restore your skin’s pH balance and a moisturizer to compensate for the moisture loss.

Check this out: How to Choose the Right Face Wash for Your Skin Type

Don’t Skip Makeup Removal

Some women don’t remove makeup before washing their face, but this is a wrong thing to do. A facial cleanser won’t remove makeup completely, especially if you prefer wearing waterproof makeup. To cleanse your face properly, use makeup remover to break down makeup and remove most of it, then wash your face to get rid of any makeup residue and impurities that are left on your skin, then apply toner to remove cleanser residue and restore the pH balance of your skin.

Check this out: 4 Natural Products That Can Be Used to Remove Makeup

Do Make Sure That the Water Temperature Is Right

Washing your face with too hot or too cold water is bad for your skin. Hot water can make capillaries in your skin break, causing skin redness and irritation. It also strips your skin of moisture and protective oils. Cold water makes the skin dry, rough, and flaky. Because of this, it is generally recommended to wash your face with lukewarm water. The only exception is morning puffiness; in this case, you can splash your face with cold water after washing it with lukewarm water in order to make the swelling go down.

Check this out: 5 Tips to De-Puff Your Face in the Morning

Don’t Rub Your Face With a Towel

Gently patting your face with a soft towel is the best way to dry it after washing. Rubbing your skin with a towel can cause irritation or even damage, whereas letting it air dry may lead to dehydration caused by the evaporation of water from the skin surface. Please keep in mind that you shouldn’t dry your face with the same towel that you use to dry your body.

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