5 Tips to Get Rid Of and Prevent Blackheads

5 Tips to Get Rid Of and Prevent BlackheadsBlackheads are one of the most common skin problems. Although people who have oily or combination skin are more prone to blackheads, anyone can get them. Here are some tips to get rid of and prevent blackheads that will help you keep your skin clean and healthy.

First of all, let’s figure out what blackheads are and how they are formed. Blackheads, also known as open comedones, are clogged hair follicles. They form when keratin (dead skin cells) combines with sebum (skin oil) and blocks the follicle.

Many people think that blackheads are black because of dirt and poor hygiene but that’s not true. Their color is, in fact, the result of oxidation. When the mixture of oil and keratin in the clogged hair follicle comes in contact with air, it results in the synthesis of the dark pigment melanin that makes comedones look black.

Although comedones don’t normally cause much discomfort unless they get inflamed, many people find them aesthetically displeasing. So here’s the ways to get rid of blackheads and prevent their recurrence.

Leave Your Skin Alone

A lot of people who have blackheads have a difficult time resisting the urge to squeeze them out or scrub their face with harsh product. But this only makes things worse. Scrubbing the skin, touching and picking at comedones might cause irritation and spread infection. So keep your hands off your skin and follow the next few tips instead. Be careful with pore strips, too; some cosmetologists claim that they might cause irritation and even lead to broken capillaries. Besides, pore strips only work for new breakouts.

Unclog Your Pores

There are better ways to unclog your pores than trying to squeeze the sebum out of them. We’ve already described some of them in our article titled “6 Tips to Shrink Your Pores”. In short, you need to invest in high-quality skin cleansers that help remove dead skin cells before they clog the pores. If your pores are already clogged, try steam or a mask with white clay (kaolin) or active charcoal ingredients.

Try Salicylic Acid, Retinol or Enzymatic Exfoliators

If your regular skin cleansers don’t help, try over-the-counter products with chemicals that dissolve blackheads. For example, salicylic acid is one of the best known ingredients in topical anti-acne products, it’s even on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. Retinol (vitamin A) and its derivatives (retinoids) are also widely used to treat acne and comedones. Finally, you can try exfoliators that contain natural enzymes such as papain (obtained from papaya) and bromelain (derived from pineapple) instead of exfoliating particles.

Keep in mind that salicylic acid, retinol and enzymes may act as irritants, especially if you have sensitive skin. We suggest that you start with products with low concentrations of the active ingredient and test them on a small, inconspicuous area of the skin to observe sensitivity (this is called a patch test).

Consider a Professional Treatment

If you have too many blackheads, you should consider consulting with a beautician or dermatologist. There’s a wide range of professional blackhead treatment methods, including extraction with a special tool called a comedones extractor; chemical exfoliators and other topical products with higher concentrations of the active ingredient than over-the-counter products; microneedling treatment; dermabrasion treatment; and more.

Maintain a Good Skincare Regimen

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to get rid of blackheads once and for all because there will always be oil and dead skin cells on your face and therefore new blackheads will form eventually. But if you maintain a good skincare regimen, it will take considerably more time for new blackheads to form. So make sure that you clean your skin twice a day, exfoliate once or twice a week, and keep your skin hydrated. You should also stay away from comedogenic skincare products that may clog your pores and never go to bed without removing makeup first.





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