How to Save a Phone Dropped in Water

How to Save a Phone Dropped in Water

If you have you accidentally dropped your phone in water, you need to act fast in order to save it. Let's learn how to save a phone dropped in water.
What Can You Do If YouTube Doesn't Work

What Can You Do If YouTube Doesn't Work

YouTube surely goes ahead of the other types of video-sharing websites.
LESS — CSS Preprocessor for Writing Clean CSS

LESS — CSS Preprocessor for Writing Clean CSS

Creation of web pages is performed by marking-up content using the so-called markup languages (such as HTML).

Popular E-commerce Software Solutions

Popular E-commerce Software Solutions

Today there exist a lot of content management systems that have been designed specifically for e-commerce websites. Let us present the most popular e-commerce software solutions.
Checking Website Speed and Web Page Performance

Checking Website Speed and Web Page Performance

Website speed is very important both for site visitors and search engines: if it is too low, it may reduce the loyalty of the visitors towards the site as well as worsen site rankings on the search engine results page.
How to Use Facebook Page Insights to Make Promotion More Effective

How to Use Facebook Page Insights to Make Promotion More Effective

To have a personal page or group on Facebook, one of the largest social networks in the world, is a must for any modern company.