How to Make Your Hair Look Less Greasy

How to Make Your Hair Look Less GreasyGreasy hair happens when the sebaceous glands in the scalp start to produce too much natural oil (sebum). Washing your hair seems like an obvious solution to this problem, but it can actually make things worse because when your hair gets stripped of natural oils, the scalp begins to produce even more sebum to compensate. Are there any ways to manage greasy hair without getting trapped in a vicious circle or frequent washing? Of course there are!

Wash Your Hair Less Often (And Try Using Dry Shampoo)

Washing your hair less often won’t make it look less greasy right away, but it will help in the long run. If you’re washing your hair daily, try washing it every other day with a sulfate-free shampoo that won’t strip your hair of natural oils. If you’re already doing that, try to take it down to every three days.

Dry shampoo will help make your hair look less greasy in between washes. It is a fine powder that is applied to hair roots and then massaged into the scalp and/or brushed through the hair. Dry shampoo absorbs excess oil, making the hair appear less greasy. Dry shampoos usually come in the form of a spray, but if you don’t have time to look for one, you can use baby powder instead.

Check this out: How to Wash Your Hair Properly

Try a Vinegar Rinse

Vinegar has astringent properties, meaning that it constricts the ducts of sebaceous glands and therefore helps reduce oil production. Rinsing your hair with a vinegar solution will help wash out the oil build-up and keep you hair looking fresh for longer. Of course, you must never use straight vinegar because it’s too acidic; mix it with some water or herbal infusion.

Check this out: 6 Reasons Why You Should Try a Vinegar Hair Rinse (And How to Make It)

Condition Your Hair Properly

Applying conditioner all over your hair can weigh it down and cause greasy roots. To condition the hair without making it look oily, apply conditioner to the ends of your hair and don’t use too much product. You can also try a technique known as reverse hair washing to prevent conditioner build-up and oily roots.

Check this out: What Is Reverse Hair Washing and How Does It Work?

Don’t Overbrush Your Hair

Brushing your hair is important because it helps distribute natural oils and keep your hair hydrated and protected. However, overbrushing can stimulate oil production and make your hair look greasy. You need to find a balance and brush your hair just enough.





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