How to Choose the Right Moisturizer for Normal Skin

How to Choose the Right Moisturizer for Normal SkinPeople with normal skin are the envy of those with other skin types because normal skin has barely visible pores, few imperfections and no extreme sensitivities. However, just because you have normal skin doesn’t mean it will always stay this way. To keep your skin healthy, you need to maintain its hydro-lipid balance and protect it against the environment. And choosing the right moisturizer for your skin type is the first step in this.

Find the Perfect Texture

There are a lot of different moisturizers out there: face mists, serums, lotions, gels, day creams, night creams, oils, ointments. Lightweight moisturizers are best for oily skin, while rich and heavy creams are considered the perfect choice for dry skin. But what texture should you choose if you have normal skin?

Generally, it is recommended that people with normal skin keep their moisturizer light and non-greasy. We will only add that you should switch moisturizers depending on the season. Light creams and lotions are ideal for warm weather, while heavier creams and ointments are better in cold-weather months.

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Check Out the Ingredient List

Regardless of the skin type it’s designed for, a good moisturizer contains two types of ingredients: humectants and emollients. Humectants draw moisture to the skin surface, and emollients lock it in and make your skin softer and smoother. Common humectants and emollients that can be found in moisturizers include glycerin, petrolatum, propylene glycol, lanolin, various oils, hyaluronic acid, silicones, lactic acid, squalene, stearic acid, and urea.

Check this out: What Is the Difference Between Emollients, Humectants and Occlusives?

Go for Added Sunscreen

Normal skin needs protection from the sun just like any other skin type. Instead of applying sunscreen on top of your moisturizer, go for a moisturizer with SPF. In winter a sun protection factor of 15 will suffice, but in summer you need to use a moisturizer with an SPF of at least 30 to keep your skin protected from sun damage.

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Consider Additional Benefits

Although normal skin doesn’t have any particular problems, you may want to use a moisturizer with additional benefits. For example, you can use a tinted moisturizer to skip foundation or an anti-age moisturizer to protect your skin from premature aging.

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