3 Popular Skincare Questions, Answered

3 Popular Skincare Questions, AnsweredOn the one hand, taking care of your skin seems easy: cleanse, tone, moisturize, apply sunscreen in the morning, repeat the same steps (sans sunscreen) in the evening. On the other hand, there still are so many confusing things about skincare. Like, is washing your face with soap instead of cleanser really so bad? Do you need to moisturize if you have oily skin? Let’s take 3 popular skincare questions and find out the answers to make things a little less confusing.

How to Determine My Skin Type?

This is probably the most fundamental skincare question because you need to know your skin type in order to find your perfect skincare routine. Typically, skin is classified in the following types: normal, dry, oily and combination.

Normal skin appears healthy, clear and radiant. It doesn’t have blemishes or enlarged pores, and its tone is smooth and even. Of course, people with normal skin may experience some problems every now and than, but they are very rare.

Dry skin feels rough and tight, lacks elasticity, and has dull complexion. It is prone to problems such as flaking, scaling, redness, itchiness and irritation. In addition, fine lines and wrinkles tend to be more visible on dry skin.

Oily skin has visible pores, often appears shiny or greasy, and is prone to blackheads and acne breakouts, especially in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin). Combination skin is characterized by a mix of dry skin and oily skin in different areas. Usually, oily skin is concentrated in the T-zone, while dry skin affects the cheeks, mouth and eye area.

Additionally, there are sub-types like sensitive or problem (acne-prone) skin. They do not necessarily correlate with the “main” skin type. For example, sensitive skin is usually dry but oily or combination skin can be sensitive too.

Why Is Moisturizing So Important?

To put it simply, water is life. When you don’t use moisturizer, your complexion may appear dull and flaky, the fine lines on your face will become more visible (and you may even develop more wrinkles), and you may face problems such as itching, flaking or peeling.

But what if I have oily skin, you may ask. Does it need moisturizing? In fact, it really does. When oily skin lacks moisture, it starts to produce even more oil in order to compensate, leading to shiny complexion and frequent acne breakouts.

The trick in keeping your skin properly hydrated is choosing the right moisturizer for your skin type. If you have oily skin, you need an oil-free, lightweight product that won’t clog your pores. If you have dry skin, you should look for rich moisturizers with powerful hydrating ingredients, such as natural oils or hyaluronic acid. For sensitive skin, there are gentle moisturizers free of fragrances, dyes and other potential irritants.

Is It Possible to Prevent Skin Aging?

Well, yes and no. Aging is a natural process that cannot be reversed, but it is indeed possible to slow it down. In other words, you can prevent what is called premature skin aging. First and foremost, you need to use sunscreen at all times because UV rays are one of the factors responsible for skin aging. It doesn’t matter if it is winter or if the weather is cloudy. If you’re going to spend time outside, you need sunscreen.

Free radicals also contribute to skin aging. To protect your skin from free radical damage, you need to use skincare products with antioxidants. Some of the most common antioxidant ingredients that can be found in skincare products are green tea extract, retinol, vitamin C, vitamin E, and coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone).

And the last but no the least. To keep your skin looking younger, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle as much as you can. Eat the right foods, drink plenty of water, get enough sleep, exercise, cut down on bad habits. Yes, it’s that simple!





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