Più Libri Più Liberi Book Fair

Più Libri Più Liberi Book Fair
Photo: piulibripiuliberi.it
Più Libri Più Liberi, also known as the Rome Book Fair, is one of the most popular book fairs in Italy. Held on the first weekend of December, it attracts publishers and readers from all over Italy and abroad.

The Più Libri Più Liberi Book Fair is best known for its focus on small and medium publishers. Although such publishers do have their loyal audience thanks to their personal approach, they still find it hard to compete with large publishing companies. Some of them eventually shut down, unable to withstand competition, which is a loss for the publishing industry because small publishers have a unique perspective. The Rome Book Fair was founded to support small and medium publishers, helping them connect with booksellers and readers.

The inaugural edition of Più Libri Più Liberi was held in 2002. The fair conveys its message directly through its name, which is literally translated from Italian as “more books, more freedom”. Held in early December, it is a perfect place to shop for Christmas presents for your book-loving friends.

The program of the Più Libri Più Liberi Book Fair includes meetings with authors and intellectuals, readings, debates, musical and theatrical performances, and other events and activities. There’s a special program for children and youth that was created to promote reading and creativity among younger audiences. It includes a literary competition for children and teenagers, as well as free admission for university students.

Although the fair is primarily aimed at readers, there are plenty of events for professional visitors such as round tables, conferences and networking events. Their main purpose is to connect small and medium sized Italian publishers with international publishers and booksellers. The Rome Book Fair has already helped many publishers forge long-lasting professional relationships and boost their sales thanks to international partnerships.

Più Libri Più Liberi

Photo: Più libri più liberi




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