National Puppy Mill Awareness Day Date in the current year: September 21, 2024

National Puppy Mill Awareness Day Puppy Mill Awareness Day, also referred to as National Puppy Mill Awareness Day, is observed annually on the third Saturday of September. It was created to raise awareness of the horrible conditions at puppy mills and put an end to commercial puppy breeding.

Puppy mills, also known as puppy farms, are commercial dog breeding facilities where dogs are bred quickly and in poor conditions. They originated after World War II due to a combination of two factors: an increasing demand for household pets and crop failures that made farmers turn to dog breeding as an alternative source of income. Today, there are an estimated 10,000 puppy mills in the US, many of which are unlicensed; they sell over 2 million puppies every year, but only several thousand of these puppies are closely monitored by relevant authorities.

Unlike responsible breeders that aim to produce healthy and well-socialized dogs, puppy mills emphasize quantity over quality and aim to maximize profits at the expense of animals. Puppy mills can have hundreds of dogs under one roof. These dogs are often kept in wire cages that damage their paws and legs. Female dogs are bred as long as they can conceive puppies, sometimes every time they are in heat. Once they are no longer able to produce offspring, they are put down to make room for new breeding dogs.

The conditions in many puppy mills are extremely unsanitary, leaving the animals covered in their own urine and feces, which leads to matted fur and nasty skin conditions. Puppies from mills frequently suffer from internal parasites and untreated injuries that kill them or leave them permanently crippled. Many mills lack proper temperature control, which leads to higher death rates among the dogs used for breeding; the dogs die from hypothermia in winter and from hyperthermia in summer.

Puppies bred in puppy mills often experience health and/or behavioral issues due to the poor breeding conditions. Typically confined to small wire cages, much like those used for rabbits or chickens, these dogs have limited space and are surrounded by many other animals. Growing up in such cramped conditions leaves them poorly socialized with both humans and other dogs.

When transported long distances under substandard conditions, many dogs suffer from severe stress, and some even die during transit. Those that survive are more likely to develop respiratory issues, pneumonia, and hereditary defects like hip dysplasia as they age. Additionally, due to the lack of socialization, enrichment, and positive human interaction, these dogs are more prone to behavioral problems.

Puppy Mill Awareness Day was launched by National Puppy Mill Project (NPMP), a nonprofit nationwide coalition of independent, grassroots animal welfare organizations who share a common mission to end commercial puppy breeding. You can get involved with the initiative by spreading the word on social media with the hashtag #PuppyMillAwarenessDay, donating to a nonprofit that works to end puppy mills, or supporting your local animal shelter.

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National Puppy Mill Awareness Day, observances in the US, animal-related observances, puppy mills, commercial dog breeding