4 Tips for Taking Good Care of Your Cuticles

4 Tips for Taking Good Care of Your CuticlesManicure isn’t all about bright nail polish and cute design; first and foremost, it’s about keeping your nails looking well-groomed at all times. And this includes caring for your cuticles because dry, cracked cuticles don’t look good on anyone. Here are some tips for taking good care of your cuticles.

The nail cuticle is the semi-circular layer of dead skin cells that covers the back of the visible nail plate, forming a protective seal. It is produced by the eponychium, the fold of living skin cells that is sometimes viewed as part of the cuticle. During a manicure, the cuticle is usually removed, but the eponychium (living part) should not be touched because this can lead to infection. Taking care of your cuticles not only makes your hands look well-groomed, it also protects your nails from infection. That’s why it is so important that you know the following tips.

Push Your Cuticles Back Instead of Cutting Them

Cutting your cuticles (especially when you try to do it yourself without properly disinfecting the manicure tools) can lead to injuries and infection, as well as a number of nail problems such as white lines, white spots, and ridges.

Instead of cutting, clipping or trimming your cuticles, you need to use a cuticle remover product and then gently push what’s left of your cuticles back using an orangewood stick. Plastic and rubber cuticle pushers are an option too, but you should steer clear of metal tools because they can damage your nails.

If you don’t have any cuticle remover, make sure that your cuticles are soft before pushing them back. To make them soft, you can soak your fingertips in a bowl of warm water or simply do your manicure after a shower of bath.


Although the cuticles consist of non-living cells, they still need hydration because moisture keeps them soft and prevents cracking, peeling and flaking. In addition, when you moisturize your cuticles, you also moisturize the eponychium that consists of living cells which require moisture and nutrients.

If your cuticles aren’t dehydrated, your regular skin moisturizer will do. Simply rub your hand cream or lotion into the cuticles every time you apply it to your hands. To take care of very dry cuticles, you need to use cuticle oils or ointments. They actively hydrate the cuticle and provide it with nutrients. In addition, some cuticle treatments contain antiseptic and healing ingredients that prevent inflammation and speed up the healing of the damaged cuticles.

Protect Your Hands

Harsh chemicals, prolonged exposure to tap water and low temperatures are very bad for your cuticles. To protect them from chemicals and water, put on vinyl gloves when you wash the dishes and clean your house, especially if you use household cleaners that contain chlorine and other harsh chemicals. You should also opt for acetone-free nail polish remover. And, of course, you really need to wear gloves when you go outside in cold weather.

Get Rid of Hangnails

A hangnail is a small, torn piece of skin next to a fingernail. As a rule, they happen because of lack of moisture and/or improperly performed manicure. Hangnails make your hands look untidy, they hurt, they catch on clothes, and they make you feel a nagging urge to tear them off (which you shouldn’t do by any means). In addition, hangnails can become infected and cause paronychia, a bacterial or fungal infection around the nails. To prevent this, you need to clip hangnails with a clean and sharp nail clipper or nail scissors as soon as you notice them, and then apply an antiseptic. If the area appears inflamed, over-the-counter antibiotic ointment can help.



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