
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is a popular animated fantasy television series developed by Lauren Faust. Despite its target demographic of young girls, it has become a cultural phenomenon with many male fans aged 13 to 35. They call themselves bronies (a portmanteau of “bro” and “pony”). Bronies as a fandom are active both online and offline. Many bronies attend fan conventions such as BronyCon.

BronyCon used to be the biggest convention for fans of My Little Pony: Friengship is Magic in the United States. The first convention was held in June 2011 in New York City, nine months after the show first aired on the Hub Network. It drew about 100 attendees. The show featured panels, artists, fandom guests, and more.

The second convention was held just thee months after the first one, in September 2011. The organizers managed to secure Jayson Thiessen, the show’s supervising director, as a guest, which helped to attract 300 attendees. The convention has been growing in popularity and attendance ever since. The final BronyCon drew over 10,000 fans from all over the United Stats and even abroad.

The 2011 and 2012 conventions were held in New York City, so the name of the event was styled as BroNYCon. In 2013, the event moved to Baltimore, Maryland and the “NYC” capitalization was dropped. From 2013 to 2019, the event was held at the Baltimore Convention Center. The organizers canceled the convention after the 2019 edition

Like most other fan conventions, BronyCon offered rich and diverse programming. It was a weekend-long extravaganza that featured fandom and celebrity guests, a panel line-up, a vendor hall, cosplay, contests, screenings, activity rooms, live performances, and more. The convention offered about 100 panels and activities for attendees of all ages (about 10% of its visitors were children under 14).

Each installment of BronyCon featured guests of honor, including the show’s executive producers, writers and voice actors. The actors who’ve attended the convention include Ashleigh Ball (Applejack, Rainbow Dash), Andrea Libman (Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie), Nicole Oliver (Cheerilee, Princess Celestia), Tara Strong (Twilight Sparkle), John de Lancie (Discord), and others.





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