Arbor Day in Jordan, Egypt and Malta Date in the current year: January 15, 2024

Arbor Day in Jordan, Egypt and Malta The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Republic of Malta annually celebrate Arbor Day on January 15. The tree planting events are organized in these countries to encourage all people to participate in this observance.

The first celebration of Arbor Day in Jordan took place in 1939. Since then a one-day observance rose to the week-long event, and some organizations even hold weeks of tree panting. Hundreds of people from all communities are encouraged to participate in celebration of Arbor Day, one of the most popular international observances.

Every year the Ministry of Agriculture chooses a new location to hold the ceremony of tree planting. This helps improve the environmental situation in a number of places across Jordan. The ceremony is always attended by the royal family. Their Majesties King and Queen of Jordan plant several trees on their own, but sometimes they chose to help others do it. After the end of the ceremony the Ministry of Agriculture provides an annual plan on protection of the forests of Jordan and measures to be taken to increase its wood resource.

Arbor Day is also celebrated on this day in Egypt and Malta, but the governments of these countries don't organize such events, like in Jordan.

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Ecological Observances



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