National Give Something Away Day Date in the current year: July 15, 2024

National Give Something Away Day Many people have more stuff than they need; it takes up closet and garage space, just lying there, useless, while there are people out there who could have use for it. National Give Something Away Day was created to encourage people to get rid of things they don’t really need by giving them to those who need them most.

The concept of charity has been around since antiquity. Even though helping those in need is not motivated by self-interest, it doesn’t mean that those who help others do not benefit from it. Giving and helping those in need makes us feel good, teaches us empathy and compassion, and brings communities closer together. And then there’s also the practical benefit of decluttering your home and giving a new life to perfectly good stuff that you don’t use for one reason or another.

National Give Something Away Day, celebrated annually on July 15, was created to provide an incentive for people to get involved in charity. It was founded in 2015 by Linda Eaton-Hall Fulcher, a self-proclaimed giver who wanted to encourage generosity in people and help those less fortunate. The main idea behind this day is to give something away to benefit those who need it but cannot afford it, as well as to take a moment to think about the impact of consumerism on our lives.

There are many ways to get involved with the observance; here are a few ideas for you to consider.

  • Clean out your closet and donate unused and unwanted items to your local church, charitable thrift shop, homeless or domestic violence shelter, etc. Of course, all clothes must be clean and wearable.
  • Clean out your garage and donate anything usable that your personally don’t need. Many charities accept not only clothes and shoes, but also other items such as books, toys, DVDs, homeware, electronics and appliances, and even furniture.
  • Donate used books to a local library, retirement home, children’s hospital, or literacy program.
  • Donate food to a local food bank.
  • Organize a garage sale in your neighborhood and donate all proceeds to charity.
  • Donate money to a charity whose cause is close to your heart. It doesn’t have to be a big sum; every donation matters.
  • Host a fundraiser to benefit your favorite charity.
  • Donate blood, platelets or plasma.
  • Sign up as a bone marrow donor or a potential organ donor (if your country has an opt-in organ donation system).
  • Perform a small act of kindness like paying for the person behind you in line at the coffee shop or drive-through.
  • Send a gift basket or gift card to a friend or relative who is struggling but won’t ask for help. If they won’t accept money or gifts, treat them to lunch, offer to babysit their kids, or do something else nice for them.
  • If you have nothing to give away, you can volunteer at an animal shelter, food bank, children’s hospital, retirement home, or any other charity of your choice. Giving your time is just as valuable as donating money or items.

And don’t forget to spread the word about the observance and encourage others to donate by posting on social media with the hashtags #NationalGiveSomethingAwayDay and #GiveSomethingAwayDay.

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National Give Something Away Day, observances in the US, unofficial observances, charity, donating to charity