National Health and Fitness Day in Canada Date in the current year: June 1, 2024

National Health and Fitness Day in Canada National Health and Fitness Day (NHFD) is observed in Canada on the first Saturday of June. It was created to raise awareness of the physical and mental health benefits of physical activity, and to motivate Canadians to live healthier lifestyles.

According to Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines, the recommended time of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity is at least 60 minutes per day for children and youth between the ages of 5 and 17, and at least 150 minutes per week for adults over 18 years of age. However, only about 9% of children and teenagers and 15% of adults across Canada are meeting these guidelines, which is problem because people who are insufficiently physically active have an increased risk of certain health conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and more.

National Health and Fitness Day, also known as Canada Fitness Day, was conceived in the wake of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver to promote grassroots fitness. It was officially established nationwide in 2014, when the Parliament of Canada unanimously passed the National Health and Fitness Day Act. According to the Act, the main goal of the holiday is to educate Canadians about the benefits of physical activity and to encourage them to be more active and participate in recreational sports and fitness activities.

Since its inception, National Health and Fitness Day has grown into a countrywide movement for a healthier nation. Various events and activities are held coast to coast to promote physical activity and better health among Canadians, which, in turn, helps to reduce the burden of chronic diseases on the national healthcare system. They include community group workout classes, charity outdoor runs, large-scale gatherings hosted by municipal governments and organizations (sports demonstrations, street festivals, etc.), and family-friendly games ranging from tug of war to scavenger hunts.

These fun and diverse events and activities help to demonstrate the impressive range of fitness opportunities and facilities available to Canadians. You don’t have to buy a gym membership or expensive equipment to stay active and fit; Canada’s parks, forests, lakes, mountains, beaches, trails, and community centers offer ample fitness and recreational opportunities, be it walking, hiking, cycling, swimming, outdoor yoga, or something else.

There are many ways to get involved with National Health and Fitness Day. You can join a free community fitness class run by your local gym or community center or even teach a class of your own, participate in a charity run for a cause close to your heart or a local community event, play some fun active games with your kids in the local park or playground, join an online fitness challenge, share your fitness experience on social media to motivate others, or simply walk or bike to get places instead of driving your car.

Of course, it is important to keep in mind that being active just one day a year won’t help you to become healthier. The ultimate goal of National Health and Fitness Day is to introduce Canadians to the joys of fitness and encourage year-round physical activity and long-term healthy living.

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National Health and Fitness Day in Canada, observances in Canada, health-related observances, awareness days