National Reflexology Day in Canada Date in the current year: May 28, 2024

National Reflexology Day in Canada National Reflexology Day is observed in Canada on the last Tuesday of May every year. It was created to raise awareness about the benefits of accessibility of reflexology as an effective, non-invasive, holistic, and natural medical practice.

Reflexology, also referred to as zone therapy, is a type of alternative medicine that involves the application of pressure to specific points on the feet, hands, and ears. Reflexology practitioners believe that specific areas on the feet, hand, and ears correspond to specific zones of the body, and that applying pressure to these areas can cause positive physical changes in the related zones.

Practices similar to reflexology are believed to have existed as early as ancient China, Egypt, and India. Modern reflexology was pioneered by American otorhinolaryngologist William H. Fitzgerald and alternative medicine proponent Edwin F. Bowers in the early 20th century. In 1917, they published a book entitled Zone Therapy where they claimed that applying pressure to certain points had an anesthetic effect on other areas of the body.

Their theory was further modified and promoted in the 1930s and 1940s by American nurse and physiotherapist Eunice D. Ingham, who developed the foot reflex theory and mapped the entire body into “reflexes” on the feet and hands, renaming zone therapy as reflexology.

Present-day reflexology practitioners claim that through the application pressure on the reflexes on the hands, feet and ears, reflexology therapy can relieve tension, improve blood circulation, and help the body function optimally. Reflexology therapy is used in the management of many common ailments, including stress, anxiety, insomnia, musculoskeletal pain, digestive issues, hormonal issues, etc., as well as for improving overall wellness.

The Canadian reflexology community observes National Reflexology Day (NRD) on the last Tuesday of May. The celebration is coordinated by the Reflexology Association of Canada (RAC), a federally chartered non-profit organization that works to raise awareness of the benefits of reflexology, set and maintain professional standards in the field, and provide continuous education opportunities for reflexology therapists across Canada.

The main goal of NRD is to educate the general public about the health benefits of reflexology, highlight the importance of seeking a Registered Canadian Reflexology Therapist (RCRT), and advocate for better access to reflexology therapy, research, and insurance coverage. But what exactly are these benefits? According to the RAC, reflexology is worth giving a try because it is non-invasive, does not require undressing, treats the entire body, and helps to save money as it is less expensive to keep your body healthy through regular reflexology therapy sessions than to manage health issues as they arise.

You can get involved with National Reflexology Day by learning more about the benefits of reflexology and giving it a try, sharing your experiences with reflexology if you’ve already tried it, and spreading the word on social media with the hashtag #NationalReflexologyDay.

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National Reflexology Day, observances in Canada, healthcare-related observances, reflexology, zone therapy