eDay in New Zealand Date in the current year: October 4, 2024

eDay in New Zealand It's estimated that millions of old electronic devises are disposed in landfills, rather then recycled. Computer Access New Zealand is aware of the old devices disposed in New Zealand, that's why it started an annual eDay initiative, the day when people can bring their devices for recycling.

Every year over 1 million devices are introduced in New Zealand, while 16 million more are already in use. The old devices are usually disposed, rather then being recycled. And disposal of electronic devices without an appropriate treat harms nature and may cause serious health issues, if a human, an animal or a bird comes into contact with its chemicals.

eDay was started in New Zealand to overcome the problem of electronic devices disposal. The initiative was started in 2006 at one location only. Around 119,000 lb (54 tonnes) of old computers, cell phones and other non-biodegradable electronic material were gathered. During the next years the event was extended to more locations to gather more old devices. New Zelanders come to dispose their electronic devices every year on October 4.

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Ecological Observances



eday in new zealand, observances in new zealand, ecological observance, electronic devices, safe disposal