National Pepper Pot Day Date in the current year: December 29, 2024

National Pepper Pot Day The National Pepper Pot Day is a food holiday that commemorates the creation of Pepper Pot soup in 1777. It is celebrated annually on December 29.

Pepper Port is a thick spicy soup, which was first made during the Revolutionary war. During the cold and harsh winter of 1777-1778, the Continental Army was camped at Valley Forge. The soldiers were low of food. Christopher Ludwick, the army's chef, was told to gather whatever food he could find and cook a meal, that would both warm the soldiers, and boost their moral.

Ludwick managed to find some meat, scraps of tripe, and peppercorn. He mixed these ingredients with some seasonings and made a hot spicy soup that was named “Philadelphia Pepper Pot soup”. It was also later nicknamed “the soup that won the war”. You can celebrate the National Pepper Pot day by cooking this historic dish for your family.

You can find a lot of Pepper Pot recipes online. The most common ingredients of this soup are beef (which may be substituted with chicken), onion, garlic, thyme, ginger, allspice, bay leaf, black pepper, chili pepper. You can also add some vegetables such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, butternut squash or pumpkin. They will make your soup much richer.

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National Pepper Pot Day, food day, food holiday, informal holiday, unofficial holiday