National Personal Trainer Awareness Day Date in the current year: January 2, 2024

National Personal Trainer Awareness Day Each year plenty of people make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight or become more fit. Some can accomplish the goal on their own, while others might need a little outside help, and that’s totally okay! National Personal Trainer Awareness Day, observed annually on January 2, celebrates the professionals who help us stay fit and keep our promises to ourselves.

A personal trainer is a fitness professional whose main task is to create and deliver safe and effective exercise programs. Personal trainers work with healthy individuals or those who have been cleared to exercise by a physician. Trainers assess their clients’ physical condition and fitness goals, create customized exercise programs, teach their clients the right exercise techniques, give them nutrition guidelines, and support them at every step of their fitness journey.

Some jurisdictions or employers require personal trainers to get certification, while others don’t. Regardless of whether certification is required, a good personal trainer must possess certain skills and knowledge to do their job well and prevent harm to their clients. They include, but are not limited to, professional knowledge about exercise and nutrition, first aid skills, a passion for fitness, the ability to find the right approach to every client, and more.

Personal trainers may work in a variety of settings including fitness centers, health clubs, gyms, in clients’ homes, in their own homes, outdoors, and even online. Although most personal trainers can develop exercise plans for the basic types of exercise (aerobic exercise, strength training, flexibility training), some of them may prefer and specialize in a certain type of training.

The origins of National Personal Trainer Awareness Day are unclear, but there is no doubt that personal trainers deserve to be celebrated. There are many ways to observe the holiday. The best way is, of course, to thank your personal trainer for everything they do and maybe give them a small gift to show your appreciation or recommend your personal trainer to a friend.

If you don’t have a personal trainer, National Personal Trainer Awareness Day is the perfect day to get started on your fitness journey and hire one. Working out with a personal trainer is especially beneficial for beginners who don’t know where to start and how to achieve their fitness goals without harming themselves in the process.

A personal trainer will help you get everything right in order to achieve your fitness goals correctly (which is much more important than quickly, believe us), while being at your side every step along the way. Of course, working with a personal trainer is not cheap, but there is a solution: you can hire a personal trainer to create a workout program, give you nutrition tips and teach you correct technique, and then stick to this program on your own.

While you’re celebrating, don’t forget to share your experience of working with a personal trainer and spread the word about the holiday on social media with the hashtags #NationalPersonalTrainerAwarenessDay and #PersonalTrainerAwarenessDay.

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Professional Days, Unofficial Holidays



National Personal Trainer Awareness Day, personal trainer, observances in the United States, professional holidays, unofficial holidays