Lawyer's Day in Russia Date in the current year: December 3, 2024

Lawyer's Day in Russia Lawyer's Day is an official professional holiday in Russia celebrated on December 3. It was established in February 2008 by President Vladimir Putin and has been observed every year ever since.

It is unclear why December 3 was selected as the date of the new professional holiday. According to the most popular theory, the holiday commemorates the beginning of the judicial reforms of Alexander II. The reforms started on November 20, 1864 (Old Style), which corresponds to December 3 (New Style).

The judicial reform of Alexander II introduced a completely new court system and order of legal proceedings. It resulted in the creation of a unified judicial system, fundamental changes in criminal trials and institution of the bar association. Alexander II's judicial reform is generally considered to be one of the most successful reforms in Russian history.

Lawyer's Day was established in 2008. A year later, President Dmitry Medvedev established the Lawyer of the Year Award. The awarding ceremony traditionally takes place on Lawyer's Day. The Lawyer of the Year Award is awarded by the Association of Lawyers of Russia to lawyers that have significantly contributed to justice and jurisprudence in Russia.

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Lawyer's Day in Russia, holidays in Russia, professional holiday, Lawyer of the Year Award