Special Operations Forces Day in Ukraine Date in the current year: July 29, 2024

Special Operations Forces Day in Ukraine Special Operations Forces Day in Ukraine is celebrated annually on July 29. It was established by President Petro Poroshenko in 2016, following the official formation of the Special Operations Forces as a separate branch of the Ukrainian armed forces.

The chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced the creation of the Special Operations Forces back in July 2011, but their active formation began only in 2014, following the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation and the beginning of the War in Donbass. Initially, the new branch of the military was conceived to be used in military operations outside the country, such as peacekeeping missions, but the hostilities in eastern Ukraine changed that.

The Special Operations Forces were officially established as a separate branch of the Armed Forces in Ukraine on January 5, 2016, making them the youngest and most modern branch of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (as of 2020). The Special Operations Forces are regarded as the military elite of Ukraine, which is reflected in their creed, “quality over quantity”. Their motto is “I come at you!”, the catchphrase of Grand Prince Sviatoslav I of Kyiv, which is used in modern Ukrainian and Russian to denote an unequivocal declaration of one’s intentions.

The Law of Ukraine “On the Defense of Ukraine” defines a special operation as a set of coordinated special actions of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, aimed at creating conditions for achieving strategic (operational) goals, which are carried out according to a single plan independently or in cooperation with military units of the Ukrainian armed forces or law enforcement agencies. In addition to conducting special operations, the Special Operations Forces of Ukraine are engaged in intelligence gathering and psychological warfare. Their key tasks include:

  • maintaining the legal order of martial law and state of emergency;
  • conducting military informational and psychological operations;
  • protecting Ukrainian citizens and state property abroad;
  • participating in the fight against arms and drug trafficking;
  • organizing and supporting resistance movements;
  • fighting against terrorism and piracy;
  • ensuring the maritime safety of Ukraine;
  • engaging in international military cooperation.

The structure of the Special Operations Forces includes the Special Operations Forces Command, the 99th separate command and support battalion, the 142nd training center, the 3rd separate special operations regiment, the 8th separate special operations regiment, the 73rd naval special operations center, the 140th special operations center, the 16th informational and psychological operations center, the 72nd informational and psychological operations center, the 74th informational and psychological operations center, and the 83rd informational and psychological operations center.

The main tasks of Special Operations Forces Day are to celebrate the bravery and heroism of the Special Operations Forces personnel, demonstrated during the Anti-Terrorist Operation and the Joint Forces Operation, collectively also known as the War in Donbass, as well as to highlight the important role of the Special Operations Forces in defending Ukraine. This professional holiday is also designed to develop national military traditions and to contribute to the patriotic education of youth.

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Special Operations Forces Day in Ukraine, holidays in Ukraine, professional days, military observances