Bo Aung Kyaw Day in Myanmar Date in the current year: December 20, 2024

Bo Aung Kyaw Day in Myanmar Students were one of the driving forces of the Myanmar independence movement and observation of Bo Aung Kyaw Day is connected with the events, when then-Burma was controlled by Britain. Today this is one of the official memorial days in Myanmar.

The first student strike took place in 1920, when Britain conducted the university reforms. The strike received a widespread support and soon became known as independence movement. The students organized the second strike in 1936, after the student Aung San had been expelled for his refusal to reveal the name of the author of a provocative anti-British article Hell Hound at Large published in the student magazine Oway. This demonstration also gained widespread support, but this time it had strong call for independence from Great Britain.

The first casualty of the movement took place on December 20, 1938, when a young student Aung Kyaw was hit in the head with a baton. Aung Kyaw died and he was posthumously given the title of Bo (leader). The day of Aung Kyaw's death is still commemorated as Bo Aung Kyaw Day in Myanmar.

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Anniversaries and Memorial Days



bo aung kyaw day, observances in myanmar, memorial day, students' strike