National Day of Commemoration in Ireland Date in the current year: July 14, 2024

National Day of Commemoration in Ireland The nearest Sunday to July 11 is National Day of Commemoration in Ireland. All Irish soldiers, who died in past wars or the United Nations peacekeeping missions, are commemorated on this day.

The day for National Day of Commemoration was chosen to be the nearest Sunday to July 11, which is an anniversary of the 1921 truce. This is a special day in the Army of Ireland, however, the date of the commemoration day wasn't established very fast.

Originally the coalition government proposed to establish commemoration day on Saint Patrick's Day, but the idea was objected. This happened in 1974. In 1984 a special all-party committee was established to examine the question of establishment of a single National Day of Commemoration (previously they were divided to commemorate the soldiers fallen in WWI and Easter Rising separately). During four meetings the all-party committee proposed, that observance of National Day of Commemoration should have a religious service and a military ceremony, and established the date of the day.

The first National Day was held on July 13, 1986. It was connected with an anniversary of the 1921 truce, but the ceremonies should always be held on the nearest Sunday to July 11, that causes no controversies between the parties.

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national day of commemoration, holidays in ireland, observances in ireland, commemoration day, memorial day