National Junk Food Day Date in the current year: July 21, 2024

National Junk Food Day July 21 is the day when all diets go out of the window as it is National Junk Food Day. This is a perfect excuse to indulge in your guilty pleasures without pangs of conscience.

The term “junk food” is believed to have been coined by Michael Jacobson who served as the director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest. It refers to foods that are low in protein, minerals, and vitamins but high in sugar, fat, and salt. They typically contain high levels of calories but are of little nutritional value.

Most common junk foods include fried fast food, snack foods, sweet desserts, candy, chewing gum, and carbonated beverages with high sugar content. Some foods such as pizza and hamburgers can be considered either junk or healthy food depending on their ingredients and preparation methods.

Many people love junk food because they find it tasty. But it is unhealthy, and people who are trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle generally try to avoid it. However, every now and then most of us have junk food cravings.

On National Junk Food Day, you can gratify your cravings. Nevertheless, you need to know when to stop because overindulgence may be hazardous to your health. And don't forget to return to your healthy diet on July 22.

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Unofficial Holidays



National Junk Food Day, food holiday, unofficial holiday, informal holiday, food day